The days leading up to December 4 They are ideal for making a novena to Santa Barbara, which can end on the eve of its celebration or on the day of its saints.
- You can also start the Novena the day you need to get closer to the power of the saint.
During the nine days of uninterrupted prayers, the Saint is invoked to make requests and to give her samples of faith, gratitude and devotion.
This time period is useful for:
- Feed our spirit
- purify the soul,
- join the patron saint of lightning and
- repent of our sins in order to be better human beings.
Fourth day of the novena in honor of Santa Barbara
My sweet Jesus.
Divine spouse of the enlightened virgin and martyr Saint Barbara to whom you gave the ardent zeal to preach the mysteries of the Holy Trinity and of the Incarnation of the divine Word to her father, gentle, barbarous and cruel, despite exposing himself to the most atrocious torments of martyrdom:
I beg You, my Jesus, through the fervent zeal of your beloved Spouse, to grant me a true zeal for the salvation of souls, even if by saving them I expose myself to many tasks, and the grace that I ask of You in this Novena, if it is for glory of God, your honor and benefit of my soul. Amen.
Fifth day of the novena dedicated to the patron saint of artillery
My most sweet Jesus, divine Spouse of the enlightened virgin and martyr Saint Barbara, whom you strengthened with the undefeated patience that she needed to suffer joyfully and lovingly the most atrocious torments of lashes, iron combs, flaming axes:
I beg you, my Jesus, by the constant patience of your beloved Spouse, to grant me perfect patience to suffer the labors of this life, and the grace that I ask of you in this Novena, if it is for the greater glory of God, your honor and benefit of my soul. Amen.
Sixth day of prayers to Santa Barbara martyr
My most sweet Jesus, divine Spouse, of the enlightened virgin and martyr Saint Barbara, to whom you gave that magnanimous humility with which I said to you in the midst of the terribleness of her torments:
Do not leave me, my Spouse, of your pious hand, because without You I am skinny, and with You I can do everything and with which I can triumph with the spirit of tyrants:
I beg You, my Jesus, by the humble magnanimity of your beloved Spouse, that You grant me a deep and elevated humility with which I may know my weakness and the greatness of Your infinite power, and the grace that I ask of You in this Novena, if it is for the greater Glory of God, your honor and good of my soul.
To see the complete novena we leave you the prayer guide (click on the blue link):
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