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Curiosities of the Yoruba deity Ajá: Healer who heals with herbs

The Orisha Ajá

The Yoruba Patakis say that:

The most powerful babalawos have seen Ajá, Orisha of the Torbellinos, feared and highly respected by all believers in the Yoruba Pantheon.

Legends say that the one to whom Ajá choose, is taken by the powerful Orisha to the land of the dead (Orun) on a trip that would last between 7 days and 3 months.

According to the Yoruba cult, when that person returns, he becomes a powerful jujuman or babalawo, who must be respected and followed by the religious.

Who is Ajá for the Yorubas?

Ajá belongs to the Yoruba Pantheon, as a minor Orisha of the Yoruba Religion. It is considered:

  • Orisha of the whirlwinds
  • Patron saint of the jungle and the animals within it
  • The spirit of the forest
  • Healer who uses the secret of herbs
  • It is known as "wild wind."

6 Interesting Characteristics of The Orisha Ajá

  1. It is said that Ajá She was the wife of Olokun, the Orisha owner of the depths of the ocean and according to this Yoruba legend, she would be the mother of the Queen of the Sea, the powerful Yemayá.

For this reason, in the Mother of the waters, powers referring to the seas and the winds converge.

  1. Many devotees pray to him for the cure of their ills, since he has the power to cure the sick with herbs that nature provides.
  2. Ajá She is feared and respected for being arrogant and always arguing. Believers advise never to make her angry and always ask or pray to her with honesty and humility.
  3. Aja is considered one of the rarest Gods of Earth as she reveals herself to humans and not to harm or scare them.
  4. They say that her worship was extremely popular until the beginning of the XNUMXth century, but for some reason the beliefs associated with this Orisha are no longer so widely known.

The fact is that today the cult of Ajá has ceased to be practised.

  1. According to the legends, Ajá He shared with humans much of his knowledge and healing powers with the resources of nature.

meanings of Ajá, other uses of the name

In the Yoruba religion and in Santeria:

Ajá It is the word that is used to catalog the bunch of coconut or corojo palm rods that are adorned with snails that are used as a broom or dustpan in the ceremony.

Aja is also preferably said to Babalú Aye's broom; it is with this instrument that the Orisha cures plagues and removes obstacles from the path of his children and devotees.

Learn more about other minor and little-known Orishas:

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