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Lyrics of the song «The last one has Ifá» by Ogbe-She 

Song lyrics Ifa has the last one

In memory of (Facundo Sevilla, in Palmira, Cienfuegos, Cuba).

To all the awo, oluwo, babalawo, to all science of Ifá, this tribute reaches orunmila.

  • Title: The last one has Ifá 
  • Author: Yoani Jimenez 


To all the Awo Orunmila in the world 

In memory of Facundo Seville 

Orunmila, Ogbe She

Iboru Iboya Ibocheche 


Chorus: 2 times 

Singer: Orunmila has Ashé the word and the truth 

Chorus: He wants me to tell you more, the last one has Ifá 



I went to a Babalawo's house 

Pa 'bless me 

He told me a little while down 

a bit up 

Make ebo to compose 

Pa 'come I will go 

Iboru Iboya Iboya Ibocheche 


Chorus: 2 times 

Singer: Orunmila has Ashé the word and the truth 

Chorus: He wants me to tell you more, the last one has Ifá 



Don't doubt Orula's word 

Orula word does not drop 

Give yourself a go-ahead so that you are whole 

And never slip so that everything is fine 

You have to have respect, be a good son and be a good father 

To receive Ashé, Iboru Iboya Ibocheche 


Chorus: 2 times 

Singer: Orunmila has Ashé the word and the truth 

Chorus: He wants me to tell you more, the last one has Ifá 



Tomorrow is tomorrow 

Awe are Awe 


Respect to Orunmila Science of Ifa 

Iboru Iboya 



Improv: Iboru Iboya 

Choir: Iboya Ibocheche 

Improv: Iboru Iboya 

Choir: Iboya Ibocheche 

Improv: Awo Orunmila, where are they? 

Choir: Iboya Ibocheche 

Improv: I am calling awo Orunmila, where are they? 

Choir: Iboya Ibocheche 

Discharge: 2 metal


Chorus: Iboya Ibocheche (x8)

Official Video of Ogbe She- The last one has Ifá 

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