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Lyrics of the song "Miel a Oshún" by Ogbe-She: Tribute to the goddess

Song lyrics Miel a Oshun
  • Author Yoani Jimenez Gonzalez 
  • CD: Ogbeshe-She
  • Produced by: Vlade Production & Migue 
Honey to Oshun Official lyrics

A beautiful song dedicated to Oshun:


Let's sing a song 

Linda Linda Linda for Oshun 

To give us your blessing 

And accompany us with your light 

Let's put honey bee 

One candle, five sunflowers 

Mother today I bring you some torrejas 

So that your children never cry 


Let's sing a song 

Linda Linda Linda for Oshun 

To give us your blessing 

And accompany us with your light 

Let's put honey bee 

One candle five sunflowers 

Mother today I bring you some torrejas 

So that your children never cry 


So that your children never cry 

So that your children never cry 


In your river they baptized me 

And the next day mother I crowned 

My goodness, as long as I live 

That I never miss you I will go 

Your waters gave me the Ashe 

To shine like the parrot did 

My mother sings to you Ogbe-She

And in my secret I have your treasure 

Stop! Roll over here comes the choir 


Let's sing a song 

Linda Linda Linda for Oshun 

To give us your blessing 

And accompany us with your light 

Let's put honey bee 

One candle five sunflowers 

Mother today I bring you some torrejas 

So that your children never cry 


So that your children never cry 

So that your children never cry 



Let's sing a song 

Linda Linda Linda for Oshun 

To give us your blessing 

And accompany us with your light 

Let's put honey bee 

One candle five sunflowers 

Mother today I bring you some torrejas 

So that your children never cry 


So that your children never cry 

So that your children never cry 

Contra Chorus: (repeat 4 times)

Flowers pa yeyeo flowers 

Flowers pa yeyeo flowers 

for you to give us your love 

And free us from the pain 

So that your children never cry 

End Download 

Flowers pa yeyeo flowers 

Flowers pa yeyeo flowers 

for you to give us your love 

And free us from the pain 

So that your children never cry 

Video “Honey to Oshún”:

Learn more about the beautiful Yoruba goddess Oshun:

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