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The beautiful roads of Oshún

Roads of Oshún

The roads of Oshún are beautiful, they describe the destinies of the powerful Orisha, highlighting her qualities and main characteristics that define her as one of the most powerful deities of the Yoruba pantheon.

Oshún, the most loving Orisha

Oshún is the owner of the river, where every child goes to bathe in its waters to receive her blessing.

Beautiful goddess who with her blessed blessings brings us well-being, who brings us happiness with her laughter, who dances all men by dancing and cleanses and gives us health with her honey.

Also goddess of love, the one that everyone looks for when love does not come, it goes wrong, and infidelity brings consequences. Cares for and protects poorly achieved pregnancies.

Always attached to Yemaya, her great sister, the great mother of the Universe, accompanied by her great friend Eleggua, wife of Shango, orunmila and many more manly Orishas according to their path.

What are the Oshún roads?

There are several facets and situations of the life of the Orisha described in different ways, some of these unfortunately are not known in their breadth, being also part of the secrets that the Yoruba religion keeps.

We will not always meet the vain and loving Oshún on her paths, but through them our Orisha offers each of her children the possibility of knowing their characteristics and what they like and dislike.  

In these avatars, apart from the tools that Oshún usually carries, one or the other is added that the orisha uses to defend herself.

Our Oshún wears five bracelets, 5 spears, a crescent, 2 oars, a star, a sun, and up to 25 links in her crown when Oshún demands it. They depend on the path, their attributes often change.

But in the end it is the same mother of the river, our Goddess Oshún who gives us and supports us in our life, no matter what path she is on. 

Roads of Oshún and their meaning

Next, we show the Oshún roads and their main characteristics, many of the roads contain little information because they are less known within the Yoruba religion.

Oshún Kolé kolé, companion of the tinea

Also called Akalá-Kalá, Kolé-kolé, Ikolé, Bankolé, it is that Oshún that works and does not separate from the tinea, this bird is its messenger and the one that brings it food, its name translates as: "As it chops, it collects and recovers the garbage and dust and takes care of the house."

She is not a vain orisha as we know Oshún, she dresses very humble because of her poverty, she has a white dress that has turned yellow from so much washing. Her character is capricious, it is said that in this way she acts wickedly, she is the eldest of the Aje (witches), she practices spells and spells.

Among her attributes is her necklace of amber and coral, she lives in a clay jar that is placed inside a basin with 5 tinea feathers, and is added: A doll, two billiard balls, a guinea pepper between two mirrors, which is mounted on a type of bronze cup that sometimes acts as a mortar.

The crown that adorns his head has ringworm feathers, and various elements hang from it such as a broom, a mirror, two oars, a saber, a cup, a bell, a drum, a brush, a comb, a mortar, a hand , a pylon, ten edanes (twigs that imitate spears), 10 African parrot feathers or more feathers up to 55.

He eats Oshinshin as his favorite food and also eats goats, white chickens, black pigeons, and guinea pigs.

This Oshún uses a yellow metal staff and a Ozai in a güiro that hangs from the jar.

Oshún Ibu Akuaro, the one who does good

She is a very hard-working Oshún, she is kind and humble. Lives at the mouth of a river in the sea, and in waterfalls.

In this way, Oshún has no evil, it always does good and the main animal that identifies it is the quail, which is its messenger. Usually she is disrespectfully called "The Oshún without a crown", but she does not like to call her that, although she does not have this element, they identify her with great qualities.

One of the physical characteristics that differentiate her is that she is deaf, so when she is going to be summoned a bell is used making it sound loudly so that she can hear.

She is a healer, helper and protector of the sick. When people receive curses and witchcraft she comes to their aid and intercedes on behalf of children when evil spirits stalk infants.  

She likes to dance with her cane, is wasteful, and does not skimp on spending money. Her necklace is strung with pale yellow, green, and white beads. His food is two addie (chickens) ashes and he eats with his sister Yemaya.

Oshún Ololodí or Olodí, the revolutionary

She is identified by her angry character, she is strong and is not defeated by those who wish to harm her, she is Orula's wife and is characterized by her desire to fight, she is a warrior by nature. She is protective of those who need her help, her kindness is one of her greatest qualities.     

She likes to fight with irons and machetes and to call her, strength attributes such as a cowbell and a machete are used.

She lives on top of the Ifá board, with sea sand or sifted river sand, and in nature she is the owner of the dams, and the animal that represents her is the owl, an ancestral bird of great wisdom.

A house hangs from its crown, and other attributes such as a double-edged ax, an Oshosi arrow, two small and two large oars, 25 rings, two Ifa boards, 2 simple axes, a machete and 5 parrot feathers, while that her necklace has mother-of-pearl, aqua-green, coral and 5 ivory beads.

Olodi does not dance and to quench his cravings for fighting and battle, four train nails must be placed next to him to quell his cravings for going to battle.

Oshun Ibu Aña, the drummer

Called "owner of the drums" and "the drummer", she receives many compliments related to the attribute that represents her, the drum, since she lives on a drum different from the Batá.

It also means "the one who does not hear the drum and goes straight to it" because Oshún Ibu Aña she is totally deaf, for her to hear she must be called with 5 bells in unison.

Your omos have to beg you for your help and protection when faced with danger. In this way she is laborious, very creative and productive.

In front of her are 3 drums and an Ozain. He is born in the Oddu Otrupon Ogbe, others say that in Ofun Elleunle. The Aará call him Ñawedito. 

The crown should be the size of the ori (head) of your omo (son) and is adorned with three small drums, three güiritos, 2 spears, 2 oars, 10 rings and 10 hooks. This Oshún weaves meshes, jamos and baskets.

Oshun Ibu Inani or Añani, famous for arguing

Her name means "she who likes to argue" or "famous for her disputes." This Oshún lives in a jar on the sand.

A bronze fan covered with bells and snails is placed on it, or it can also be a common fan with 25 bells and 25 snails washed with Oshún. Until you claim that fan, it should not be placed next to you.

Apart from his common tools he carries a sun, a moon, a machete, a sickle and a hoe.

His crown is adorned with a fan, a pick, a shovel, a hoe, a cauldron, 5 rings, a snake, 5 parrot feathers, a comb, a mortar, two comb hairs, a crescent, a small chair, a boat, a sunflower, a double ax, a pair of scissors, a 5-step ladder, a drum and a mirror.

Oshún Ibu Yumu, incomparable beauty

She is a praised Oshún and ruler “the one who makes the belly grow without the woman being pregnant.” This Oshún is deaf but incredibly beautiful.

She owns the wasp and dominates snakes, her favorite is the asp viper. She also owns a white horse named Alguero.

Her tureen is adorned with 5 green and yellow silk scarves, which sits on a bronze pylon, and carries a sewing and weaving basket because that is how she is busy with those chores.

He really likes the vegetable "okra", it is his favorite Addimú (offering). He is placed in front of his tureen for 5 days and then taken to the streams of the river to gain his grace and protection.

This Oshún is very upright in business, her honesty prevails above all else. The Aará often call her Tokosi. 

Born in Ika Melli and others say Oshe Ofun. Among its attributes are 5 cornets, 1 cowbell, 5 machetes, 1 white horse, 10 bracelets
25 arrows, 25 arrows (edanes), a large ax and also carries an Ozain.

Oshún Ibu Oddonki, owner of streams

Her name means "She who lives where the current is born" and that is why she lives at the source of the river, in the turbulent waters where there are floods and a lot of mud, her nature is found there in the mud.

This Oshún lives on top of a pylon and apart from the common attributes this path carries a sewing cushion, a snake, a moon, two long spears, two oars, 5 Oshosi arrows and a sword.

Ibu Oddonki wears a crown and hang from it various items, three drums, 5 spears, 5 oars, 5 Oshosi arrows, 5 knitting needles, a sun, a machete, a hoe, a house, a dagger, 5 rings and 5 snakes.

Oshún Ibu Oggale, owner of the keys

Her name represents her relationship with keys, it means "owner of the keys", "housekeeper" and "she who likes keys".

She is born in the Obbara Melli sign and lives around the roof tiles, where she is not disturbed. She is a very old Oshún, warrior, grumbling and does not like to be annoyed.

Among his attributes, apart from his common tools, he also has a female key and a male key as a representation of his main attribute, an arrow from the Orisha of justice Oshosi, armor, 10 bracelets, a pick, a shovel, a rake, an anvil and a trident.

Its crown is finished off by a key that hangs to him and will plow them they call it Oakere.

Oshún Ibu Okuanda, the one who goes about death

Its meaning is "she who goes over Death", Ibú Okuanda was left dead in the river, hence her name.

She is born under the sign Okana Ofun, and lives on a chair. Ten glasses of honey are placed around her so that she feels pampered. Her tureen is decorated with five green and yellow handkerchiefs. The Arará call her Agokusi. 

Shangó was detained in prison for Oyá and she rescued him. The patakí tells that Shangó assured Oyá marry her, he did not keep his promise and then Oyá Annoyed, she stopped him and left the prison door guarded by death (ikú), since Shangó is afraid of him.

Then Shango promised Ibú Okuanda that if he managed to get him out of that confinement he would marry her, but the king of fire did not fulfill his promise that time either. Oshún Ibú Okuanda to get Shango out of there used the cascarilla as a weapon by blowing into the lock, thus scaring Iku away.

From the crown of Ibu Okuanda hang 5 machetes, 5 axes, 10 rings, a mirror, two combs, two spears and it is finished off with a hanging cross.

Oshún Ibu Addesa, owner of the peacock

"She who has the safe crown" or "She is the crown" is the meaning of her name.

Owner and mistress of the majestic peacock that always accompanies her and therefore her tureen must be covered with peacock feathers. She was born under the sign Okana Oshe and the Arará call her Aboloto.  

Oshún Ibú Addesa lives in a basket covered with mariwo (dried palm leaves), the curtain that divides the mundane from the religious.

Oshún Ibu Ayede, the queen

Also called Ibú Ayade, she is "the one who is queen", she has ties with Elegguá and performs the same jobs. He usually works day and night, but gets very confused.

Its crown is yellow and green and it must have 15 parrot feathers and 15 snails on it. The Aará call her Yisa.

Oshún Ibu Okuase, the spirit

Ibu Okuase or Akuase Oddo, her name means "she who was stillborn in the river", her dwelling is a basin and she is accompanied by 5 bottles of water from 5 different rivers.

She eats the same as Oshún Ololodi, the revolutionary, works a lot with spirits since she herself is a spirit. The Aará call her Totokusi.

Oshún Gumí, the treadmill

Called Bomó or Bumí, this Oshún symbolizes the river shrimp, it is very walker and eats deer (deer). All animals that are sacrificed to him must be white.

Oshún Gumí was born in the Oddun Oshe Osa, he carries his own Elegguá which is made of an Aye snail.

Oshún Eleke Oñí, pure honey

It means "the one who carries honey in her heart", pure sweetness and love.

The quality that most identifies her is that she is very industrious, the one who works the most and struggles, has a good temperament.

He has a cane and his utensils must include a forked cane.

When this Oshún goes down, it fascinates him to have abundant honey on his body, hence the meaning of his name. This Oshún is powerful and powerful and lives next to the paradise plant.

Among her attributes, her necklace is adorned with seeds of the paradise plant, her dress is just a snake wrapped around her body and her crown is adorned with 101 pieces.

He is born in the sign Merindiloggun Melli.

Oshun Ibú Itumu, Amazon beast

With her she carries the spirit of a warrior man, she is a true Amazon fighter who rides her ostrich in battles, knows how to fight and wins. If his war is in the river, he makes a ladder of crocodiles to fight and not be defeated.

She was born in Oddun Obbara Metanla, and is always accompanied in her battles for the beautiful Inle and Azojuano. She is always willing to do any kind of work and usually lives in lagoons.

Among his favorite foods, he eats capped goats and chivas. His Ozain lives next to his tureen in a jar and eats with it.

Its tureen must be surrounded by a chain and the tools of Oggún the warrior must be hung from it. In front of your tureen you should put epo (corojo butter) and brandy.

Among its attributes, the finish of the crown of this Oshún is an ostrich.
When his omos have problems, they usually offer him a whole goat.
The Aará usually call it

Oshún Aremu Kondiano, the one from the mountain

She is the Oshún of the mountain, she dresses all in white and her necklace is made of mother-of-pearl and coral with sections of Orunmila beads.

It is extremely mysterious, it is usually called "Obbatala de Río".

Oshún Ibú Kondiamo was the one who helped Orunmila to destroy the elephant in a pataki in the sign of Ogbe Kana.

Among its attributes, its tureen is seated on the Board of Ifá, also an ekuele and a jar of deer. His stones (otanes) are smeared with Efun (cascarilla) and Ori (cocoa butter).

16 Diloggun snails hang from its crown, its pieces are made of ivory or bone, it eats chickens and white doves. The Aará call him Tefande.

Oshún Ibu Semi, lives on the river bank

Ibu Semi or Seni lives in small black wells on the banks of rivers. A copper stone (ota) must be placed around him and he is accompanied by two jars with Ozain, each of them crowned. The Arará usually call him Ajuanyinu.

Oshún Ibu Fondae, the warrior

This Oshún is very warrior and carries a sword by her side, Ibú Fonda dies with the orisha Inle.

His Ozain is mounted on a doll with white dots painted on it. This doll is adorned with a parrot feather on her head, 16 copper handles, but also her own bronze ones.

Dried Chinese orange peels and sandalwood powder, prepared as Iyefa (Ifá powder), are added to a gourd that is put on to pray in Ifá.

His favorite addimu is yam and the Aará often call him Zejuen.

Oshún Ibu Odoko, the farmer

Oshún Odoko is a farmer and very strong, she is always accompanied by Orisha Oko. She lives in a jar that is placed on a loaded basin.

A doll made of palo cocuyo (religiously known as Ofuntaná) is placed next to him that carries his load and is lined with beads from all the Orishas, ​​it is strength and reinforcement.

Apart from its attributes it bears, five hoes, five hammers and five machetes, the five is the mark of Oshún.

Oshún Ibu Awayemi, the blind woman

Also called Awuayemi, she is a blind Oshún, and is always accompanied by Azojuano and Orunmila. This Oshún does not wear a crown.

As attributes he uses five bronze staves and five clay poles of different sizes, apart from carrying 1 Scimitar and 1 Horse. Speak in Oyekun Melli.

Oshún Ibu Eledan, owner of the nostrils

Oshún Ibu Elenda, of this path very little is known, is the owner of the nostrils. Apart from his common attributes he carries an ax, two long spears, and a crown. Born in Oddu Oshe Iroso

Oshún Idere Lekun, the one with the misshapen face

She lives in caves and there she dances to the rhythm of the waves of the sea that crash against the reefs where the cave of this beautiful Oshún is born.

Among its attributes is the wedge drum, a saber with a long curved blade called a scimitar and a mask because this Oshún has a deformity on its face.

This Oshún does not wear a crown and is born in the Oddún Oddi Osa.

Oshun Ibu Añaking, dwells over the riches 

Oshún Ibú Iñare is the daughter of Ibú Aña. This one lives on money, wealth (owo) within the sand on the beach, but in this way it is characterized because it does not like to offer or share its money.

Apart from its common attributes, a yamao stick scrawl, a magnet stone (Ota) and sand are added in abundance with five large snails (Aye) inside its tureen.

Oshún Ibu Agandara, the one with the padlock

Oshún Ibú Agandara is always sitting in a chair which is where she lives.
Among its attributes it has 1 scimitar and 1 padlock.

She likes a lot of yams and her crown is adorned with 7 parrot feathers.

This Oshún likes to cover herself with an oyouro (lechuguilla) and ashibata (known as a saucer plant) so that they don't see her sitting down.

Inside its tureen there is a bronze dove and two edans (arrows) that must have the length that exists between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger of the hands of their omos (children).

Like Oshún Ibú Yumu, 25 Manillas and 25 edans are placed, which intertwine an arrow and a handle, so that they simulate an Akofá (bow with arrows).

Oshún Ibu Tinibu takes walks at night

Along this path, Ibu Timibu lives next to the tureen of Orún (King of the Dead). He only comes out at night and his favorite thing is to take boat rides along the river, so a boat made of ceiba wood is placed next to him. He loves perfumes and red carnations.

This Oshún does not come down and it is only to adore him, at home his omos should not have dogs.

She has only one sister, her name is Oshún Ibú Miwa or Nigua, which is represented in the cargo that goes inside the boat.

Ibu Tinibu was born in Oddu Irete Yero, others say that in Oddi Osa.

It represents the society of Iyaloddes and its Ozain is carried in a cedar head that lives inside its jar and is associated by a bronze chain from which 12 very rare pieces hang.

These pieces are chained to the head of the goat when it has already been slaughtered and the head is placed on the Oshún tureen. The pieces that are chained to the goat's head are the following:

  • 5 oars that go into the goat's mouth
  • 1 in the center of the goat's skull
  • 1 for the goat's left ear
  • 1 for the goat's right ear
  • 1 for the goat's right cheek
  • 1 for the left cheek of the goat
  • 1 in the left nostril of the goat
  • 1 for the right nostril of the goat

Among its attributes is also put a chain with all the tools of Oggún and a large lightning stone. Oshún Ibú Timibu's necklace is white, coral, black and the colors of Orunmila. The Aará usually call him Alegue.

Oshún Oroyobi, creator of the banks of the river 

She owns the riverbanks and creates them thanks to Olokun who gave her snails full of sand. As a favorite food they like salmon and
is born in the Oddu Okana Oshe.

Oshún Yeyé Moró, the happiest

He is also known as Ibu Siegan and Yeyé Kari.

Among the roads of Oshún, this one stands out for its seduction, vanity and fun. She is very conceited, she is the queen of vanity and mistress of the mirror.

This Oshún is happy, libertine, given over to entertainment and revelry, dances and her coquetry stands out.

Oshún Yeye Moró is a great lover and has no order in her life, she is provocative even with the Egguns. Born in the Oddu Okana Oggunda

Oshún Ibu Latie Elegba, lives in the center of the river

Little is known about Oshún's ways, except that she lives in the middle of rivers and always eats on top of a gourd. Oshún Latie Elegba does not wear a crown.

Oshún Edé, the great lady

Distinctive lady, welcoming, attentive, that is, a splendid hostess. He is usually fond of music and is considered to conceive of elegance and everything beautiful. He usually throws a lot of parties at his house and loves music.

Oshún Ibu Aja Jura, warrior by nature,

Oshún Ibú Jura lives in the lagoons. She is a deity who does not wear a crown and is given a helmet because she is a warrior. Apart from her common attributes, she is given a double axe and two scimitars.

Oshún Miwá, the infidel

She is adored by her children, but she does not ride. This Oshún is attracted to the prohibited, she is very disloyal and unfaithful.

Oshún Ibu Oddoi, the river without water

It personifies the "dry river", where drought prevails, the crown of this Oshún road is adorned with a sunflower.

Oshún Kayodé, owner of the dance

From the roads of Oshún, Kayodé epitomizes luxury and good service. She is mistress and mistress of the art of dancing, of dancing. She is very funny, helps and serves everyone, joy stands out and likes luxuries a lot.

Oshún Sekesé, the serious

Oshún that is characterized by having a rigorous and formal character.

Oshún Fumiké, the one who adores children

He loves children, he is pure kindness and complacent with them. Helps and supports women who are often sterile. Oshún Fumiké is closely related to the deity Obatala.

Oshún Funké, the wise one

In this way Oshún is very wise and wise, she possesses great knowledge.
She is very educated and likes to teach. In addition to Oshún Funke, you learn about the secrets of love and the art of eroticism.

Oshún Niwé, the one from the jungle

Very little is known about Oshún Niwé, only that she lives in the mountains and in the jungle.

Oshún Awé, the sad one

Bitterness always invades him and he is always sad. She usually walks in ragged and dirty clothes, her personality is very different from the Oshún we usually know, always smiling, beautiful and shining when she dresses. Distressed, she is usually always next to Iku (death) because she lives with her.

Oshún Ibu Sedan, owner of the spears

Also called Ibu Edan, Asedan, Isekan or Isedan, she is the owner of the spears (edanes) and carries 2 copper with her, a deity that demands a lot of respect, is capricious and very difficult to deal with.

She is faithful, sensitive and very kind. His edans are very powerful, with them he saved Aggayú, the giant of Osha.

Among its attributes, its necklace is made of yellow beads, very bright gold and emerald green, interspersing 5 yellow and 5 green. 

Her crown is also adorned with the attribute that represents her, she wears 5 edans which have 5 main functions: legal: curative, protection, communication and vigilance.

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