History Yoruba religion in Cuba and of the conformation of the Rule Ocha, it is carried out by figures whose contributions constitute important intangible legacies for the country.
The beginnings of the Regla Ocha in Cuba were thanks to the leaps and bounds of figures such as Lorenzo Samá “Obbadimeyi” who was known as Oggún Touyé and Timotea Albear Latuán Ajayi Lewú “La negra Agyai Latuán”.
Those who at the beginning of the XNUMXth century in the town of Regla unified the different Yoruba cults in a single Liturgical Body.
Thus, the pioneering Branches of the Regla Ocha, “La Efushé” and “La Pimienta” emerged, which later included several sub-branches.
And one of the protagonists of that story was Na Margarita Armenteros, primera Oyá from Cuba and one of the most recognized santeras on the island.
The term “Ña” is the synonym for lady that the African elderly living in Cuba received as a distinction.
Lineage and contributions of Ña Margarita Armenteros
Founder of the Ainá Yogbo branch, had a broad lineage in Havana, with such renowned godchildren as Tiburcia Sotolongo, Oshún Mewa and Oriaté Abelardo Becker.
Na Margarita Armenteros, like Ña Teresita Ariosa and Dominga González Ña Belén, are names of women who entered the history of the Regla Ocha for their immense and innovative contributions that shaped the religious practice of today.
It is said that Ña Margarita was one of the few African daughters of Oyá settled in Cuba. For this reason, he fought to include the saint of the winds among the main orishas.
Finally, he managed to Oyá will be in the same position as obbatala, Monkey, Yemaya y Oshun.
in defense of Oyá
Na Margarita Armenteros managed to convince the others lucumis of the importance of Oyá as the main orisha of the Yoruba pantheon, showing the patakíes that unite the goddess with Changó and their dissimilar powers.
Thus, in the Ainá Yogbo branch that she founded, OYA surrenders to the Iyawo son of Yemayá in the night of the river. On this branch they do not scrape the head, a crown is made.
His followers do not go to the River and for the initiation of an Oshún or Obbatalá, they seat the Iyawó in a chair.
Also in the coronation of an Iyawó Omo Oyá, Yemayá eats ram and Shangó 3 roosters (akuko) and so he goes to Itá, because here Shangó eats ram after three months in the Ebbo Goal.
Ña Margarita Armenteros lies in the old cemetery of Guanabacoa and is one of the priority tombs to visit for the future Iyawó Omo Oyá, is a ceremony that demands a lot of wisdom on the part of the Oriaté.