The Virgen de los DoloresIs a invocation of the Virgin Mary, recognized in many parts of the world, although its names vary and it can also be called:
- The Virgin of Bitterness
- Virgin of Mercy
- The Virgin of Sorrows
- Virgin of the Solitude
- The Sorrowful Virgin
Why is the power of the Virgen de los Dolores invoked?
The Virgin of Sorrows is seen primarily in her facet as a mother, the one who always sacrifices herself for her children.
For this reason, the faithful parents pray to him seeking his consolation in the face of the sufferings of their children and asking him for strength to face obstacles for them.
The Sorrowful Virgin embodies all the suffering of the Virgin Mary for her son, since it is said that she herself suffered in silence everything that her son Jesus went through.
Many faithful pray to that image, in search of peace and redemption for their children.
Therefore, when we speak of praying a novena to Our Lady of Sorrows, it implies seeking with each prayer, the strength to sacrifice ourselves for our relatives.
It is said that in this way, we will understand the seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother, in reference to the different sufferings she faced with her Son.
When we pray for nine days to Our Lady of Sorrows, we are not only asking for our family, but for the whole world.
Through these prayers we unite our anguishes and sufferings to those of Mary, just as she united her pains to those of her Son, and we ask for the redemption of sins.
To pray a novena to Our Lady of Sorrows we must know that:
- There is a prayer for each day, through which we thank Our Lady for her blessings and ask her for strength to move forward and sacrifice for the good of others.
- We also make certain requests of you every day, depending on our situation, and we ask you to listen to us and support us.
- Each day to finish, the same final prayer is said, until we reach the nine days of the novena.
- We can light a white candle in front of the image of the Virgin in each prayer, to invoke and beg the Sorrowful to intercede for us.
Opening prayer to start the Novena
O Virgin, the most painful in the world after your Son, to whose sorrows you were perpetually associated:
I beg you to give me the strength to suffer for my sins, as you suffered for ours, so that, crucifying my passions and lusts on the cross of Christ, carrying the cross of my duty along the path of my life, walking in Following my Lord and constantly persevering by your side, oh my Mother, at the foot of the cross of your Son, always live and die with you, redeemed and sanctified by the most precious blood of our Redeemer.
I also ask you, because of your pain, to hear my request in this novena and, if appropriate, grant it to me.
Day 1
O Sorrowful Virgin, being your flowering and fruitful tree, you were so afflicted, and I a dry and useless tree, I want to live gifted and I am impatient of all annoyances and adversity.
I beg you to grant me a spirit of penance, humility and Christian mortification to imitate you and your beloved Son, crucified for me.
Day 2
O Sorrowful Virgin, because of the pain you suffered when the old Simeon prophesied to you the contradictions with which the world would persecute your Son, I beg you not to allow me to be among the worldly enemies of your Son, but among those who docilely profess His doctrine and reflect it in their truly Christian customs, so that it is also of those to whom He will be resurrection and life.
Day 3
O Sorrowful Virgin, for the pain you had when the proud and ambitious Herod wanted to kill your Son, who came to give us life, free me from all ambition and pride and make, instead of throwing your Son from me, call to me, and, postponing all my interests, make him reign over me, being I his faithful and obedient vassal, to reign with him in glory.
Day 4
O Sorrowful Virgin, because of the pain you suffered when you lost your Son in Jerusalem and spent three days looking for him, I beg you that I never lose him through sin and that, if I lose him, I will seek him with repentance, and looking for him, I will find him with sincere confession in the temple and keep you with true religion.
Day 5
Oh Sorrowful Virgin, for the pain you felt when you accompanied your Son along the street of Bitterness to Calvary, make me also accompany him, carrying the cross that his providence has given me, with humble patience and worthy constancy, suffering well all the inconveniences that come from my neighbors.
Day 6
O Sorrowful Virgin, for the pain you had when you saw Jesus nailed to the cross, grant me that I take advantage of the fruits of his passion, that I be a true Christian, crucified with Christ, and that I consider suffering and suffering as an honor something for being a Christian and practicing Christian virtues.
Day 7
O Sorrowful Virgin, because of the pain you suffered when receiving your dead Son taken down from the cross, I beg you to forgive me for my sins, which were the cause of his death, and that his wounds be deeply engraved in my memory and my heart, as a testimony of his love, so that I love him to death.
Day 8
O Sorrowful Virgin, for the pain with which you accompanied your Son to the grave and left him buried there, grant that I may die with the help of religion and be buried among the faithful Christians with Christ, so that, on the day of judgment, I may deserve to rise again with the true Christians and be taken to the right hand of Christ.
Day 9
O Sorrowful Virgin, grant me that, just as you, for your pains, receive great glory in heaven and triumph there as glorious queen of martyrs, so I too, after a mortified life with Christ, deserve to live eternally in glory, happy with Christ.
Grant me, O Queen of martyrs, to live on the cross with patience, to die on the cross with hope and to reign on the cross with glory.
Final prayer for every day
Remember, My Sorrowful Virgin Mother of God, when you are in the presence of the Lord, to speak on our behalf, so that he may remove his indignation from us.
O Most Holy Mother, grant me this grace: fix in my heart effectively the wounds of Jesus crucified.
Make Christ bear death in me, let his passion and luck share and meditate on his wounds with sorrow.
So that I do not burn in the eternal fires, defend me, O Virgin, with your prayers, on the day of judgment.
And you, oh Christ, as I leave this life, through your dear Mother, make me reach the palm of victory.
When my body dies, make my soul acquire glory from paradise.
- Pray three Hail Marys:
God save you, Mary,
full of grace;
the Lord is with you.
Blessed you are
among all women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Pray for us, most sorrowful Virgin, who were constantly near the cross of Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of the Good Death, pray for us.