The Gospel says: «Jesus loved Martha, Mary and his brother Lazarus», about the family of Bethany, a small town near Jerusalem, who were very loved by Jesus.
When Jesus moved to Jerusalem in the south, and his disciples with him, it was quite dangerous to stay overnight because the enemies had sworn war to the death.
But there, four kilometers from Jerusalem, there was a small village where Jesus felt good.
It was the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, where a room was always ready to receive him.
All three were true friends of Jesus and awaited him with brotherly affection. From what the Divine Master felt at home.
- For this reason it is known Santa Marta as the patron of the hoteliers, for the attention he had towards those who stayed in his home.
She is also the patron of cooks, servants, housewives, guest houses, laundresses and all those who must attend the public.
Novena of faith and love to Santa Marta to ask for divine protection
The novenas destined for Santa Marta indicate that she will offer her protection to anyone who comes to her in search of support and will intercede for her faithful before God.
Those prayers to Santa Marta for nine days are destined to ask her to serve as an intermediary before God the father so that he hears our request.
The novena to Santa Marta indicates that we declare her our protector and patroness and we admire her devotion in blindly following Jesus Christ.
- We can light a white candle in his name every day during the time of prayer, always with great faith and trust in our request for the Virgin to intercede for us.
First day of the Novena
Favored disciple of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Santa Marta, glorious virgin protector of whom avails herself of your protection and intercession before God Almighty;
that hearing the praise to the Lord Jesus about virginity as a very prescient virtue, you determined not to admit another husband, that, to the husband of virgins, the Lord Jesus Christ whom you served with great care.
I implore Santa Marta your intercession so that the divine majesty grants me the particular favor that I now request, if it is appropriate for the good and benefit of my soul and that encouraged by a sincere love for the Lord Jesus, be a servant to the example of Santa Marta sanctifying all my occupations for the glory of almighty god.
Second day of the Novena
Favored disciple of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, my patron and protector,
you who toiled to follow the Lord, with such care and love in your house in Bethany that everything you did seemed little to you and you would have wanted all men to use their hands, feet, heart and all the senses and faculties in the service of the creator of the world who had become man.
I beg you, Santa Marta, to intercede before almighty God so that the wonderful doctrine full of teachings for the spiritual life, that the Lord Jesus told you, enlighten me so that my service never makes me lose the peace of my heart.
Third day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, patron and protector of mine, that having your brother Lazarus fallen ill and died and Jesus having arrived at your house after four days of having buried your brother, moved the lord of your tears and of your sister Maria, rewarded your loving trust by resurrecting your brother.
I beg you then, blessed Santa Marta, to mold and dispose of my hardships and works with the faith and confidence necessary so that it deserves to be remedied in the need that I ask of you in this novena. Amen.
Fourth day of the novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, my patron and protector, who constantly following in the footsteps of your divine redeemer and teacher did not want to lose sight of him, especially at the time of his passion, feeling and crying bitterly all his torments and affronts until accompanying him with Mary his mother and Saint John to the cross.
I beg you oh sweet Santa! May I achieve the heavenly graces through your intercession that I need to confidently follow the paths of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth and to fix my spirit with faith in the contemplation of his painful passion so that in this way I may one day celebrate the triumphs of eternal glory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Fifth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, my patron and protector, who after having accompanied with sorrow the loneliness of the most holy virgin Mary, upon seeing her divine son dead, bloodied and disfigured, in her loving arms, you concurred with other pious faithful of the Lord to give him a pious burial with the greatest veneration.
I beg you, mighty Santa Marta, reach me from the Lord Jesus Christ, who, penetrated with true pain and repentance for my sins and that my requests be for the greater service of God, reaching me in a meritorious conformity with his most holy will.
Sixth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Santa Marta, glorious virgin, patron and protector of mine, who showed you kindness and servant with the most holy Virgin Mary, hosting her in your house just like Lord Jesus,
I knowI pray kindly holy that as close to this divine queen and lady, incline her maternal heart and that she be the executor of all the designs that divine providence has for me.
I also implore you, Santa Marta, through your intercession, to achieve respect and love for God, love for work and good works, a taste for prayer, patience and wisdom.
Seventh day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, patron and protector of mine,
that you deserved the great happiness and enjoyed the sweet joy of being one of the first people who saw the Lord, after his triumphant resurrection attending his instructions and receiving new graces and favors every day and after he ascended to heaven you did not depart from the side of the Blessed Virgin Mary, attending to her in all her needs as you did with her beloved son Jesus of Nazareth until the coming of the holy spirit.
I ask you Santa Marta that through your intercession be led by the power of the holy spirit in the light of the gospel and glorify the mercy and generosity of almighty god.
Eighth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, patron and protector of mine, who was persecuted by the Jews who seized all the goods that you inherited with your brothers from your parents and who were exiled along with them and other faithful, servant disciples of the Lord Jesus;
pretending that they would drown because of the fury of the winds and the waves of the sea, embarked on a ship without masts or any rudder, but being saved by divine providence, they arrived at the port of Marseille, where you announced the faith of Jesus Christ, converting many and working great wonders.
I beg you, mighty Santa Marta, that through your intercession, you will reach me from the Lord the constancy and firmness that I need to accept with faith the persecutions, ridicule and contempt, without ever ceasing to praise and bless Almighty God.
Ninth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Santa Marta, glorious virgin, patron and protector of mine, who, moved by the tears of the residents of Tarascón and the nearby towns in France, freed them from the evil armed with the banner of the holy cross and using water blessed, you defeated the evil dragon.
After retiring to a desert with other maidens converted to Jesus Christ building a monastery. You gave testimony of constant prayer and good works until the moment of your death, which was revealed to you by the divine teacher.
I place myself in your hands with the confidence and assurance that you will intercede before Almighty God, certain of achieving the solution to my request and your help and protection and forgiveness of my sins, through a sincere conversion and the eternal life to which I aspire, to accompany you in the glory of God.
Final prayer of the Novena to Santa Marta
Santa mía, Santa Marta: I take refuge in your protection and protection and in proof of my affection, I offer you this light that in your honor I will turn on every Tuesday.
Console me in my sorrows for the infinite happiness you had when hosting the divine savior in your home, intercede for me and for all my family so that we always keep God in our hearts and our needs are resolved.
I beg you to have infinite mercy for the favor I ask of you.
After this prayer, every day we return to make the request that we have for Santa Marta with great faith.