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Dadá Obañeñé, the Orisha of newborns and their Catholic syncretism

Obañeñe santeria

Obaneñe, also called Dada Ibañi or Dada Baldone is the Orisha of newborns, and is also considered a representative of vegetables, since the Yoruba legend tells that when at Great Father Obbatalá They entrusted him to populate the world, he gave Obañeñe the creation of the vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms.

Who is Dadá Obañeñé in Santeria?

It is one of the minor Orishas of the Yoruba religion and for some houses of saint, Dada and Obañeñe or Ibañi are considered brothers instead of the same deity, so especially the Babalawos, deliver them together.

Obañene it does not settle or rise and is usually represented by a gourd lined with snails and a ball of indigo on it. It is placed on Shango, as a reminder of the link between both deities.

And it is that Obañeñe is credited with raising the Thunder God Shango, when his father Obbatalá expelled him. It is said that he who opens the roads, Eleggua, secretly gave little Shango to Obañeñé to raise him and free him from death.

They are recognized daughters of Obañeñe for being strong women, but very kind and self-sacrificing, lovers of the little ones and very dedicated to caring for the family environment.

Syncretism of Dadá Obañeñé

In the Catholic religion, due to the need to hide their deities, the Yorubas syncretized Obañeñe with saints who, like her, are protectors of bellies and pregnant women, help the devotees to achieve fullness and good fortune and overcome the challenges of life.

Obañeñe syncretizes with:

  • Saint Ramon Nonato
  • Nuestra Señora del Rosario

San Ramón Nonato, Patron of midwives and pregnant women

Saint Ramon Nonato he is a saint recognized for having been extracted from the womb of his deceased mother. That is why he is the patron saint of childbirth, midwives, children, and pregnant women.

It is said that in the province of Lérida in Spain, Saint Ramon came into the world as an immense miracle, since his mother was dead when they managed to get him out of her womb. For this reason he was given the nickname by which he is known, «Un-Born»: unborn.

The story goes that Ramón's father sent him to Barcelona to make friends with rich people and thus be the breadwinner of the family. But instead, the boy gave himself up to a life of study and piety, helping those in need and practicing prayer.

His father then demanded that he return home and gave him the task of tending sheep, but one day his neighbors told him that Ramón did not watch the animals properly.

The father then followed the boy to his work and thus observed how he retired to a solitary place and knelt, gave himself to prayer. But then she realized that when Ramón left, a young man with angel wings would take care of his flock and feed his sheep with the best pastures, which each day produced more wool and milk.

Never again did Ramón's father doubt the miracles that his son worked.

The young man then decided to go to Barcelona to join Pedro Nolasco (later Saint) who had founded an Order for the redemption of the poor captives, and joined in doing charity work in the streets.

One day he gave himself up in exchange for a captive and was in the prisons of Algiers suffering innumerable hardships, accompanied only by the divine word and always happy to have saved a good Christian.

It is said that he preached the word of Christ so much that, to prevent it, the jailers put a padlock on his mouth.

He died in 1240 after spending years as a cardinal of the Catholic Church. Since then he is known as San Ramón Nonato.

Prayer to San Ramón Nonato

  • We now offer a prayer to pray to San Ramón:

Oh! Glorious Saint Ramón, to whose power God subjected the earth and the elements,

Health and sickness, life and death,

Finding in your powerful intercession, advocate the maidens, succession the married,

Defense those who are slandered, harvest the farmers, port the castaways

Redemption the captives, sight the blind and end all evils;

For that your ardent desire to receive the Blessed Sacrament,

That forced Jesus Christ to give you Holy Communion from his blessed hands

I beg you to intercede for me, so that I deserve to attend this heavenly feast,

And receive you for Viaticum at the end of my life,

And above all that I can obtain the special grace that I ask of you

And the eternal bliss of glory


Our Lady of the Rosary, Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady of the Rosary or Virgin of the Rosary is a Marian invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Most Holy Rosary.

His day is celebrated on October 7, anniversary of the victory obtained by the Christians in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, attributed to the Mother of God, whose help was invoked by the prayer of the rosary.

The story goes that the Virgin Mary appeared to Santo Domingo de Guzmán in 1208 in a chapel of the Prouilhe monastery and taught him to pray with a rosary in his hands. He told him to preach it among men and showed him different promises regarding the rosary. Thus, the saint proclaimed the word of the Virgin and erected the first chapel dedicated to this dedication.

Many were those who joined the apostolic work of Dominic and, with the approval of the Holy Father, Dominic formed the Order of Preachers or Dominicans, who taught everyone the promises and prayers with the rosary.

Promises of the Queen of the Rosary

These are some of the promises of Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary, which were taken from the writings of Blessed Alano:

  • Whoever prays my Rosary constantly, will receive whatever grace he asks of me.
  • I promise my very special protection and great benefits to those who devoutly pray my Rosary.
  • The Rosary is the shield against hell, it destroys vice, frees from sins and slays heresies.
  • The soul entrusted to me by the Rosary will not perish.
  • Whoever prays my Rosary with devotion, considering its sacred mysteries, will not be oppressed by misfortune, nor will he die an unfortunate death, he will convert if he is a sinner, he will persevere in grace if he is just and, in any case, he will be admitted to eternal life .
  • The children of my Rosary will enjoy in heaven a singular glory.
  • I will help those who propagate my Rosary in their needs.
  • Devotion to the Holy Rosary is a manifest sign of predestination of glory.

Prayer to the Virgin of the Rosary

* We now offer a prayer for Our Lady of the Rosary who is asked for protection to intercede on our behalf in the saddest and most difficult moments.

Holy Mary, Our Mother who in each mystery of the holy rosary give us the Savior

We come to You in need.

We are happy that from the cross the Lord has entrusted you with the mission of drawing closer to him and his church

For conversion and penance

Encouraged by the trust that you inspire us, we place in your maternal hands

Our worries and fears.

But we want to imitate your fidelity to God, accepting all trials with love and humility.

Our Mother of the Rosary

May your presence renew our life, relieve our being weighed down by suffering and disease

Sustain our docility to grace and strengthen our love for others,

Thus becoming witnesses of the love of the Father who did not waver,

Through you in giving us Jesus


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