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Who is the Orisha Obañeñe? The protector of newborns


She who hears the first cries of a being who has just opened her eyes to the world, the benevolent, the protector.

That is Obañene, also called given ibani o Dada Baldon, the Orisha of newborns, especially those born with curly hair.

Obañene, is one of the lesser Orishas of the yoruba religion and is also considered the Orisha of vegetables, because when a obbatala They entrusted him to populate the world, he gave her the creation of the vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms.

Given and Obañene or Ibañi are sometimes considered brothers instead of the same deity, so in some houses and especially the Babalawós, they give it together.

Obañeñe does not settle or climb and is usually represented by a pumpkin lined with snails and on it a ball of indigo.

History of Obañeñé and Shangó

Obañene was the one who raised Shango when Obbatalá expelled him.

The Pataki said that it was learned with horror that Obatalá had ordered the death of his son Shango, having learned of Oggún's betrayal.

Death had been entrusted on a rainy day, to various messengers of death, among whom was the owner of the roads, Elegguá.

And for several weeks the messengers searched all over the country, through ravines and hills, in vain attempt to find the lost child that Elegguá had secretly delivered to Obaneñe to raise it.

Attributes of Obañeñe

Its receptacle is a gourd the size of the head of the one who receives it, lined with snails, gold, silver and 9 parrot feathers and is placed on Shango, as a reminder of the link between both deities.

These types of attributes can vary depending on the religious house.

When delivered by the Babalawós, it consists of a half güira covered in cloth on which snails are embroidered in a spiral shape and on which 16 red strips hang to which snails from 1 to 16 are attached.

The latter represent the 16 mellis of Ifá and is placed on the pylon that keeps the secret of Obañeñe or Ibañi.

Her Elekes (necklaces) are made of 2 red and 2 white beads. The Orisha speaks through the oracle of the diloggún in Oggundá Osá and Eyila Shebora.

His daughters are strong women, but extremely kind and self-sacrificing, loving children, just like the Orisha.

Obañeñe and its offerings

Doves and guinea fowl are immolated to him, for others the same animals as Shango. In the case of Obañene or Ibañi are immolated rooster, guinea fowl and pigeons.

He eats white akuko, Igbañi eats etu and eyelé and does not eat four legs directly, but with the Guardian Angel.

Syncretism of Obañeñe

In the Catholic religion, Obañene syncretizes with San Ramón and Nuestra Señora del Rosario.

The devotees pray to both Saints to get rid of sins and germinate virtues, achieve fullness and good fortune.

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