Ifá says that so that you do not suffer, you must not do to others what you would not like them to do to you.
This is a letter of distrust where the person must check things for themselves and not be easily fooled.
If you hold managerial positions, you must keep an eye on your subordinates by closely supervising their actions.
Afobile, the Obatalá who lives in the atmosphere is born in this odun
Take care of guiding your children on the right path, but for them to be good men and women, they will first need your example and dedication.
The Obatalá who lives in the atmosphere es aphobic and is born in this odun, a deity that tells the religious that:
- He must live with his feet on the ground so that the plans materialize as he wishes, without this representing the abandonment of dreams and illusions.
Afobile at the time cursed Oggun for always being at war
In this sign Afobile cursed to the owner of the iron Oggun because they are continually at war.
- For this reason, the person ruled by Ogunda Meji should try to lead a life as calm as possible, away from conflicts and discussions.
- Under the action of this deity, the person must ask the stars for blessings every night and have a rattle in the house.
In Ogunda Meyi Olodumare gave Obatalá the government of the world
The children of Oggun in this sign must respect the Palo Mayombe and receive Ozain to strengthen themselves.
In Ogunda Meyi Olodumare gave Obatalá the government of the world, so the religious must love and respect this saint very much, because in his life he is a great bastion.
To Father Orisha Obatalá:
- White candles are lit
- white flowers and fruits are offered to him,
- being his favorites soursop, coconut, breadfruit, custard apple, sugar apple and almond.
Work with cotton and almond: sacred herbs in the sign
Cotton and almonds are some of the sacred herbs of the sign, these in turn are plants blessed by Obatalá.
Ritual in Ogunda Meyi for Baba Obatala:
- With these herbs, an omiero is prepared with plenty of cocoa butter and cascarilla y
- the religious, respecting the head, takes a lustral bath to purify his astrality.