Whenever we are stagnant we can resort to the power of our Orishas, and one way to invoke them and ask them to intercede is through prayers, offerings, baths, spoils and other powerful rituals.
Of course, all of this must be accompanied by a lot of faith, which is the fundamental ingredient to achieve what we set out to do.
This Addimú (offering) is at the foot of Obbatalá, the Osha owner of our mind, dreams and thoughts.
In the Yoruba Pantheon this sacred orisha is one of the most adored, and it is that he is considered our universal father, the one who brought us to life on earth, and for that we must thank him every day for our existence.
Above all, it is essential that we make offerings to the Orishas from gratitude and humility, if we are not able to thank what we have, they will not be able to reward us with more blessings. It is important to understand it.

- 1 yam (like the one in the photo) also known as “Oca” or “Papa Oca”
- Rice (cooked without salt or raw)
- Husk
- Cocoa butter
- White plate
- 1 white flag (can be made from cloth or paper)
- 2 white candles
- 8 cents
If you have not received Obbatalá, you can still make this offering in his name with great faith.
How is it done? Addimú to Obatalá to overcome and attract development
We can offer many offerings to Obatalá in Santería, but this Addimú in his name that we share today will help us open the good paths and bring luck.
At the end of the article we will share other offerings with different purposes and ingredients in case you want to choose another for its simplicity, intention or procedures.
- You must first boil the yam and when it is soft you can remove it from the heat.
- Drain the water being careful not to burn yourself and mash the yam until you have a puree.
- To this yam you must add rice, cascarilla and cocoa butter.
- With your hands you knead everything and when the elements are mixed, you put it on a white plate.
- You start to make a tower with that paste that is as high as possible.
- At the end put the white flag on top of that tower.
- You put the Addimú at the foot of Obbatalá or else in a high place, it can be on top of a piece of furniture.
Pray to the universal father with great faith:
After having all the offering ready, you light two candles in his name, ask for his blessing, pray to him and give him knowledge of what you offer him to overcome obstacles and open the paths of prosperity.
You will have this offering for 8 days and on the eighth day you must take it to the foot of a mountain with 8 cents of right.
May the blessing of the orisha father always protect you, they are health, love and faith.
Powerful prayer for Obatala:
Oh holy Obatalá!, I invoke you as the king of kings that you are,
You who dominate the earth, although you have your kingdom in heaven,
That you give men hope through your glory,
That you give your children your attributes of kindness, charity and faith,
Holy father who to all other holy guides,
Creator of everything on earth, of nature,
Of all that is pure and white, and that is why peace is your symbol,
Make me able to have your wisdom,
And with it understand everything that until now I don't understand.
Put in me the wise words to address others,
Grant me the gift of patience and knowing how to listen to others,
Let me have a life with resignation,
That I can face all the pains that afflict me,
May this prayer to Obatala fill me with deep tranquility.
Y qthat, with only your presence, my spirit is filled with joy,
Soothe me when anger invades me, help me straighten my path,
Teach me to understand with your infinite wisdom,
All the things I don't understand.
Serve me as a support to lead my life in peace and calm,
Give me your holy blessing to be able to withstand everything that is coming,
Give me the necessary strength to carry the weight of my burdens.
The tranquility that I ask of you, will be the prize that you have reserved for me.
Oh my father, holy Obatalá! Take care of every step I take in my life,
Cover me with your white light, and through it,
Give me the mental and spiritual tranquility that I need so much.
Guide my life along the paths you have planned for me,
And if I have to change course, come with me so I can achieve peace.
Allow me the power to lead others, your pure and clear light,
The same one you give me when you take care of me at night.
I fully trust your sacred wing, and shelter me with your protective mantle.
Oh my holy Obbatalá, my sovereign king and redeemer, I faithfully trusted you. Amen!
Learn more about Father Obatalá and his rituals:

Obatala bath for health and stability with white flowers and milk

Obatalá baths with milk to ward off bad influences

Powerful Work with Obatalá: Overcoming enemies and traps

Adimú for Obatalá ≫ Looking for luck with Father Orisha

Do you want to ward off problems? A rice pudding for Obatalá as an offering

What is the most important thing in your live? Work to Obátala for health.

Spiritual Work to the «Virgen de las Mercedes» for health and evolution

An Ebbó of Obbatalá with 3 elements to solve problems