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Work with Shango for Love and Sweeten the person effectively

work with Shango for love

Today I bring you a work with Baba Shango for love, the Orisha who seduces the moment, the king of the drum, the parties and the thunder.

Sugar cane is a plant that belongs to our Shango and there is no work that he likes to offer more than cane cut into pieces. But in this work we will only use sugar.

My grandmother said:

"Sugar sweetens everything: dessert, coffee, friend and enemy."

Powerful work on behalf of Shango to sweeten:

We all want to attract in our life the good, the positive, what we like, but be very careful because sometimes:

«What we attract on a whim can negatively influence our lives»

Sweeteners They are very powerful, reinforcing and attracting love, enhancing positive feelings and driving away all negative thoughts, feelings and vibes that surround people.

They are always done with good intentions unlike other types of spells and spells.

Although sweetening works are popularly used to attract the love of a couple, it is not their only use, we can sweeten any type of person around us.

Be it our friend, boss, parent or someone from our family or environment.

It should be remembered that it is a positive workThe intention is to soften the character or a certain situation with that person.

This work to the majestic Orisha Shango will help us to achieve stability, calm and soften the situations that disturb us.

Items you need:

In practice it is a very simple job, it is a homemade ritual and very powerful, make sure you have all the necessary elements before starting so that everything goes smoothly.

If you have not received the Orisha, you can also do this work, the important thing is that you do it in his name with a lot of faith and love.  

  • A glass or cup of water
  • white paper and pencil
  • 6 tablespoons of white sugar
  • 1 white or red candle

Step-by-step procedure for the love ritual:

  1. Have a piece of paper ready where you will write the name of the person you want to sweeten 6 times.
  2. In a glass or cup, insert the paper with the name of that person.
  3. Then pour 6 tablespoons of white sugar and then put tap water.
  4. He will take a candle and put it into this cup and light it.
  5. So every day until you soften that person, ask King Shango with great faith, because this great warrior will always help us.

Remember: be very careful if this work is done for love reasons, because "When King Shango catches, there is no Queen who can resist".

This means that watch out for the whims of your heartYou can do this work for love, but if you try to attract the wrong person then it will not be easy to get rid of it.

What to keep in mind in this ritual on behalf of Shango:

  • The candle will go inside the glass, so it must be a floating candle or a long candle that is above the water level, when it is used up, you must place another candle.
  • The water can change it when it is dirty, insects fall on it or it evaporates. It is important to keep it clean and clear.
  • Each day you can light the candle for a while, you do not need to use a candle every day. When it is consumed, then change it.
  • We will leave this work until we see some positive results, every day we must attend to it, and give it light so that the ritual is activated.

Remember put faith and love in it, everything that is done from the heart comes out well, do not forget it. Blessings.

Other powerful works with King Shango:

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Comments (45)

Does the paper sit right under the candle or can I put the sheet to one side? Should I dilute the sugar in the water or so I leave the sugar without beating it or anything?


Ana, thanks for writing to us, it is not important where the paper is, but if you can, put the candle on top of it. Add the sugar and nothing else. A hug for you.


How many times the name of the person?
White or brown paper?


Ana blessings, in this work you must write the name of the person you want to sweeten 6 times and we use white paper, a hug for you.


Buenas tardes. I have a question.
How long should the candle be lit per day? I only have the possibility of having it 4 hours a day, does that affect?


Good afternoon Ann blessings.
You light the candle for the duration of your prayer, prayer, or conversation with the Egguns or their Orishas, ​​then you can turn it off. A hug.


The candle must be placed inside the glass or cup, because I don't know how I can put it inside the glass because the wax melts and dirty the water, I don't have anything to float on or I can put it standing up inside the glass regardless of whether the light falls wax, please tell me what to do


Frank, blessings to you, you can stand it up inside the glass, let the wax fall, it's not important, the main thing is that you do it with a lot of faith and love in the purpose you want to achieve, a hug.


Hello, I would like to know if I can leave the candle on all day and night, if it is advisable to put a beautiful large one?


Yasniel blessings for you, if you wish you can do it, whenever a candle is lit it helps us to connect with our request and with the deity to which it is dedicated, just be careful where you place it to avoid any incident. Greetings


I like your advice and rituals to shango because he is one of the orichas that helped me in my difficulties and a lot ashe


Ramon thank you very much and ashé for you. If you want you can subscribe for free: regards


Hello, I would like to know if when I change the water I also have to change the sugar. Thank you


Andrea blessings for you. When doing the work again, it is best to change all the elements. Greetings


Sorry for another question I have, how much time does this work take to take effect? Greetings


Thank you for commenting, let us remember that the rituals dedicated to the Orishas are not magic, we must have faith, patience, little by little the deities will put what corresponds to us on the way, we must trust, accept. It all depends on the situation, greetings and lots of ashé for you.


Hellooo!! I have a doubt ... but I have read some comments and I have clarified them but I wanted to know ... if the glass can be of any model and the candle on what level of water should be ... and another that the effectiveness time can delay the Ritul .. ?? Greetings


Hello blessings for you, the glass preferably transparent without drawings, totally white. The standard size candle will be above the water and can be lit. The effectiveness of the ritual is impossible to know, it all depends on faith and above all, if the orishas want that path for you, otherwise they will take you away from what is not convenient for you. Greetings and much ashé

Hello good, I would like to know if apart from the candle inside the Cup, outside, I can put an offering next to it. Melao, an apple oh that you hold me. And what a day do you recommend doing it. Some particular time. If I do not have floating candles, they can be the regular ones with sticks that are like a finger ... the questions are because the person is the son of Shango, thank you very much


Angel, you can place any offering you wish next to it. Apples with molasses or brown sugar are an offering that pleases you. You can do it in the morning. Always follow your intuition. Choose a calm moment, without rushing. You can use long candles, the usual ones. Blessings to you.


Hello, beautiful night, I am not from religion, but the more I read your publications, the more love for her is born.
I hope one day the saints want to receive me
Thank you, keep posting more, it's something very beautiful.


Thank you very much Emma for your nice words, have faith, the orishas protect you every day, have no doubts about that. Blessings.


Goodnight. I would like to know two things. The first is, if once the candle is finished, the one in the glass is removed or is it placed on top of it again?
And the second is if the water has to be changed on a certain date or is it left the same and the ritual is followed until results are found? From already thank you very much


Aaron thank you very much for commenting, once the candle is finished it is removed and another is placed, since the candle must exceed the water in the glass so that it does not go out, unless it is a floating candle.
You should change the water when it becomes dirty in any way or is consumed. It should always be clean and clear. Greetings and blessings.


My question is, if the candle is inserted into the glass with obvious water it does not consume all, then the candle is left in half or the water if you let it consume in its entirety?


Yazmin good morning thank you very much for commenting. Well, in this work every day we will light the candle for a while, if it is a long candle it will be enough, although the ideal is a floating candle.

If it is a standard size candle, then the remaining half of the candle will not be able to be used because it will remain in the water and it will be necessary to place another. Blessings and greetings.


What color of candle should I use?


Lilia, thanks for commenting, it can be white or red candles. Blessings.


When the candle is consumed, the same procedure is done the next day or only the glass is left for the remaining days


Greetings Liz, thank you for your comment. When the candle is burned, you must use another, since the effectiveness of the work also depends on the light and attention that you offer in the ritual.


Hello, thank you very much for such valuable information, I only have one very big doubt.
What does the statement at the end refer to: Beware of using in love affairs; when King Chango catches there is no queen who resists him.
It should not be used for love matters ??


Martin Thank you very much for your comment, yes, the work is to attract love. This phrase refers to the fact that we must be careful about trying to attract the wrong person, because once you attract them, you will not be able to get rid of them easily. Greetings


Thanks for your clarification

Sele puts the water in the glass or glass but my question is how much water


Thanks Luis for commenting, you can put water in the middle or a little higher, keep in mind that the candle must exceed the height of the water so that it stays lit. Greetings


Hello, I want to do this work but I don't have Shango yet, I am just entering religion. What I can do?;


Javier thanks for commenting, greetings to you. Yes you can do the work on behalf of the Orisha, always with great faith, blessings.


Very good this work
For how many days is it left on, I did it in front of Shango


Thank you very much Carmen, the work is left for as long as necessary until it softens that person, when you see that it is giving results you can withdraw it, greetings and blessings.


It is very interesting
Thank you


Thank you very much Carmen for your comment, blessings.


My question is how do you do the candle inside the glass with water
Xq I did not understand ...


Isabel, thank you very much for commenting, the candle is generally higher than the glass, when you put it inside it, the candle will be on top, so that you can light it, greetings and blessings.


Thank you very much to all those who make up this spiritually wonderful team and with your advice each day I have a thousand thanks from Tenerife, a hug


Thank you very much, thousands of blessings to you for being with us. Greetings.

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