Today I bring you a work with Baba Shango for love, the Orisha who seduces the moment, the king of the drum, the parties and the thunder.
Sugar cane is a plant that belongs to our Shango and there is no work that he likes to offer more than cane cut into pieces. But in this work we will only use sugar.
My grandmother said:
"Sugar sweetens everything: dessert, coffee, friend and enemy."
Powerful work on behalf of Shango to sweeten:
We all want to attract in our life the good, the positive, what we like, but be very careful because sometimes:
Sweeteners They are very powerful, reinforcing and attracting love, enhancing positive feelings and driving away all negative thoughts, feelings and vibes that surround people.
They are always done with good intentions unlike other types of spells and spells.
Although sweetening works are popularly used to attract the love of a couple, it is not their only use, we can sweeten any type of person around us.
Be it our friend, boss, parent or someone from our family or environment.
It should be remembered that it is a positive workThe intention is to soften the character or a certain situation with that person.
This work to the majestic Orisha Shango will help us to achieve stability, calm and soften the situations that disturb us.
Items you need:
In practice it is a very simple job, it is a homemade ritual and very powerful, make sure you have all the necessary elements before starting so that everything goes smoothly.
If you have not received the Orisha, you can also do this work, the important thing is that you do it in his name with a lot of faith and love.
- A glass or cup of water
- white paper and pencil
- 6 tablespoons of white sugar
- 1 white or red candle
Step-by-step procedure for the love ritual:
- Have a piece of paper ready where you will write the name of the person you want to sweeten 6 times.
- In a glass or cup, insert the paper with the name of that person.
- Then pour 6 tablespoons of white sugar and then put tap water.
- He will take a candle and put it into this cup and light it.
- So every day until you soften that person, ask King Shango with great faith, because this great warrior will always help us.
Remember: be very careful if this work is done for love reasons, because "When King Shango catches, there is no Queen who can resist".
This means that watch out for the whims of your heartYou can do this work for love, but if you try to attract the wrong person then it will not be easy to get rid of it.
What to keep in mind in this ritual on behalf of Shango:
- The candle will go inside the glass, so it must be a floating candle or a long candle that is above the water level, when it is used up, you must place another candle.
- The water can change it when it is dirty, insects fall on it or it evaporates. It is important to keep it clean and clear.
- Each day you can light the candle for a while, you do not need to use a candle every day. When it is consumed, then change it.
- We will leave this work until we see some positive results, every day we must attend to it, and give it light so that the ritual is activated.
Remember put faith and love in it, everything that is done from the heart comes out well, do not forget it. Blessings.
Other powerful works with King Shango:

How to take care of Shango? 10 Tips from a Santera to venerate the Orisha

An Adimú for Shango Opening paths and overcoming obstacles!

Offerings to Shango for the money to flow

Are you looking for firmness and sweetness in your relationship? Work of Oshun and Shangó

Addimú to Shango to attract prosperity

Effective work: Lamp to Shango to win battles and open paths

An Offering to Shango: Make a special request and give thanks

Do you want to unblock paths? Addimú to Changó to attract prosperity