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3 Works with Coco for Eleguá ► Dispossession for health, envy and bad vibes

Works with coconut for Eleguá

Elegguá is the little boy of the Osha, closes and opens paths, is always ready to help and save those who need it.

With Elegguá you can work in different ways, you don't need so many things for the little giant to provide us with protection and shelter.

We dedicate these Works with Coco for Little Eleguá:

Works with a coconut for Eleguá

The Obi (the coconut) is sacred And all our Orishas like to offer and Elegguá is not left behind.

Many are also the works that are usually done with the coconut for health, development, relief, expiration and to attract love.

These are three small works with coconut for Eleguá and very effective to offer to the orisha and beg her to intercede for us.

Even if you don't have to ask for anything, you can offer it from akokán (from the heart) as a thank you. Something very important is to offer everything with love, will and a lot of faith.

1. Dispossession of the house or business of dark influences with Eleguá

If your house looks "upside down" that is, disturbed and needs to shed, take a dry coconut and paint it white with cascarilla.

Then he runs it around the house on his left foot, always starting from the back of the home towards his front door.

Remember, for no reason use your hand in this ritual to pass the coconut, you can use a broom and gently roll Obi, remember it is sacred. With care and with faith.

The coconut in this way will collect all the bad influence and energy that exists in your home.

Then you must go immediately to a hill, a crossroads or 4 corners and leave it there.

2. A coconut to Eleguá to achieve healing and ward off disease

If you are sick or feeling groggy and tired you can find a dry coconut and paint it with cascarilla, you spread cocoa butter on it and place it for 7 days on a plate in front of Elegguá.

On top of the coconut you place a candle and light it, every day at the same time you will pray to Elegguá for your health. The coconut will go to the mountain after 7 days.

3. Work Eleguá against envy and enemies

“Damn envy,” we all say. because sometimes without having anything they tend to envy us for pleasure for them, of course.

Well, in this case, you take the dried coconut and put it on a white plate in front of Elegguá or behind the door, with a white candle on top of that lit coconut, you ask the orisha to keep all envy away from your house, the enemy and whoever loves you bad.

On the third day, he leaves the coconut in four corners or in the mountains and he will see how the orisha takes away all that drag from his life.

To keep in mind when performing the rituals to Eleguá:

Whenever we do these works we must light Elegguá a candle or a candle stick.

We must blow brandy or rum, blow tobacco smoke, and you cannot forget the 3 cents when depositing the coconuts in this case, that is their right.

If you have not received Elegguá, his works are done behind the main door of your home, the place where he lives.

I will go Elese Elegguá, I will go Ariku, I will go Achegún Otá I wish you. (A good through Elegguá, health welfare, defeat of enemies)

Other powerful works and rituals to little Eleguá:

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