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Powerful Adimu at the foot of Oyá Yanza against double-sided Enemies

Art Works Oyá for enemies

Oyá it is related to death. It is who causes the flashes, hurricane winds and great storms.

It is the goddess who symbolizes the reincarnation of the ancestors and the force of sad feelings, the world of egguns (spirits). The force that carries its energy develops between light and darkness, life and death.

The dominator of the four winds, she is an Osha of great respect, she fights for her children and for those who worship her and trust her.

Works dedicated to Oyá to overcome enemies and false friends:

works to Oyá to the graveyard for enemies

This is a simple and effective offering (addimú) dedicated to her, the warrior, the tireless goddess who always fights for what she wants with strength, firmness and determination.

This work to Oyá As long as you believe in it and venerate it, you can do it.


  • 9 small beets
  • Red wine or sweet but dark wine
  • Sugarcane molasses
  • 9 guinea peppers
  • 2 white candles
  • 9 cents

Preparation of the offering Oyá Yanza step by step:

  1. First you wash the beets, the fruits must always be clean in each work.
  2. You take a container to put on the fire, for example, a pot or saucepan and inside you place the 9 beets.
  3. You pour the wine over the fruits so that they are completely covered.
  4. Cook over low heat until the beets are cooked and the wine is reduced. Then turn off and let cool.
  5. Pour everything into a white container and pour cane molasses on top.
  6. You put a guinea pepper on top of each beet.

Light your candles and ask for the blessing of Oyá, and you give him knowledge of the reason why you deposit his offering, remember to be consistent with your request and not ask for the impossible.

Work of Oyá must go to the cemetery, where the Goddess lives:

This work will be at the foot of Oyá for 9 days, at the end of this period you will take this Addimú to the cemetery with 9 cents.

May the blessing of Oyá always accompany you, bless you, give you good health, love, always remove obstacles from your path and give you firmness in your steps. Blessings.

The following Works and rituals can be performed in the name of Oyá:

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