Oshún is an Orisha who exudes sensuality when dancing and walking, is a beautiful deity and owner of rivers and gold.
En the Yoruba PantheonOshún stands out for her beauty, she is a vigilante, very sweet, tireless protector of her children, she is also a warrior and very wise, the paths that she marks are powerful.
Oshún is prayed for abundance in life, whether spiritual or material, and whenever we deserve it he grants us much prosperity.
She is a dedicated and loving mother with her children, but she does not understand disrespect and does not consent to it, she is very dire and you never know when she is angry, she even kills laughing.
For this beautiful goddess, here is an offering (adimú) to Oshún with oranges that you can make in her name and she will like it very much, because this is one of her favorite fruits.
- 5 sweet oranges
- Plateau
- Cloves
- Cinnamon stick
- Honey
- 2 candles
- 5 cents
How to make this Addimú to Oshún to thank?
- First you wash the oranges so that they release all dirt and bad energy and put them on a plate.
- To each of them through the stem you introduce a cinnamon stick and also a clove, the cinnamon attracts the good and the clove removes the negative.
- You light the two candles in front of Oshún if you have received it and if not, always offer it with love and faith. I recommend you look for an image of this Goddess.
- You ask for Oshún's blessing, you tell her your name and you talk with her thanking her for everything she has offered you and if you want to place an order you can do it.
- Then you must pour plenty of honey over the oranges.
Short prayer to dedicate to the golden goddess in the ritual
“By the presence of fire, by the powers of the earth, by the virtues of your fresh waters, breathing the air, I call you and invoke my Oshun, dancer of the 5 handkerchiefs. Oh, my precious Oshun, with your great strength and power I beg you and make this request, but first I thank you for your infinite blessings. So be mother”
We finish this Offering with oranges after 5 days in the name of Oshún:
You leave the candles lit and this offering will go to the river after 5 days. If before you see that the fruits can go bad, you should take them so that the goddess receives them in good condition.
You go with 5 cents of right for Oshún and remember that it is a good time to venerate her, talk and touch her powerful waters.
Fill yourself with their energy and you will see how you perceive within you that the paths begin to open with new blessings.