Oshún the beautiful Orisha, which symbolizes love, gold, fertility, owner of the fresh waters of the rivers, she will be in charge of bringing you the push you need to be able to move forward.
When unfolding arrives, everything else comes, be it health, money, employment, happiness and love.
This Addimú to the Goddess Oshún is effective and has very few ingredients, but it does take a lot of faith, love and humility on your part.
In addition, it is a very beautiful offering because you will use sunflowers, the Oshún flower that symbolizes joy, the intensity of life, beauty and optimism.
Ingredients for this work of evolution:
If you don't have Oshún crowned You can do this one with all your love and your faith.
- 5 monedas
- 2 candles
- 1 transparent glass
- Sal Island
- 1 egg
- Honey
- 1 Vase or vase to put the sunflowers
- Brown sugar
- 5 cinnamon sticks
- 5 Perfumes (if you don't have 5, use one that is for personal use)
- 5 fresh and beautiful sunflowers
- 5 cents
- Oshún bell if you have it.
How is the offering to Goddess Oshún prepared?
- You will take the 5 coins and put them in a glass with water and salt so that they are purified, since they have passed through many hands.
- You leave them in that water for a few minutes, then you take them out and wash them with tap water.
- You wash that glass well and inside you place the 5 already washed coins.
- Now, on top of those coins, you carefully add an egg yolk, so that it does not break.
- On top you will add 2 or 3 honey fingers of honey, a little water and leave it like that, remember to pour the water little by little, the yolk cannot break.
Let's prepare the ritual with the beautiful sunflowers:
In the vase you must pour water and inside half a teaspoon of brown sugar, 5 cinnamon sticks, and you must also spray the perfumes you have, which must be for personal use.
- In case you have Oshún crowned and have perfumes next to it, you can use those. After throwing Oshún you put a little in your body.
You introduce the 5 sunflowers in that vase and put it in front of Oshún, if you have not received it, keep in mind that the flowers must be located facing the main door.
Now you place the glass of coins on the left side of the vase.
A short but very powerful prayer we will dedicate to Oshún
You light the 2 candles, ask Oshún for your blessing and tell him:
Mother Oshún
You who can do everything
That you are my great blessing, I ask you to sweeten my path to prosperity and abundance.
With your honey you attract all the sweetness of destiny and with the sunflowers you attract to my home or business all the light I need to evolve.
Always thank you mother for your blessings.
After 5 days we go to the river to venerate Oshún!
This offering will be 5 days at the foot of Oshún and then you take them to the river with the 5 cents of right, take the bell to invoke him and a little honey to pour into the river.
Something important to keep in mind is that if you see that the sunflowers are wilting, you must remove them beforehand and take them to the river without waiting for 5 days.
Recommendation before carrying out the work:
I recommend that one day before making the offering to Oshún you clean your house with cascarilla and a splash of holy water (it can be church water, serene water or rain), because if not the sunflowers will pick up all the negative vibes and you will have to put the offering back.
May the blessing of Iyalorde always accompany you and bless you with its great Ashe.