To old Lazarus So revered by all, today we will ask for his help to get positive energy into our lives, a respite in times of crisis, so that luck reaches our doors through the development that he gives us.
Old man Lázaro is merciful and always keeps his promises, but he remembers making requests with a lot of love and a lot of faith in him.
In Santeria or the Rule of Osha his power joins Yoruba orisha Babalú Ayé, a deity who is capable of unleashing diseases but also balances our being with health and abundance.
This ritual is very positive, provider of well-being, health and prosperity, do it with great faith and trust the old man Lázaro.
The lamp is nothing more than a wick, which will provide us with light, open paths and clarity to understand, accept and prosper towards our destiny.
- Deep clay pot or wide container
- Market waste
- Corojo butter
- Cornmeal
- Sesame
- 17 pieces of coconut or grated coconut
- Almonds oil
- Cooking oil
- Wick or cotton to make the wick
How do we make the lamp to holy Lazarus? Let us pray for health and prosperity
- In the pot or container, put a little of the waste collected in the market or square (just a little), add corojo butter, a handful or two of corn flour, a handful of sesame seeds, coconut and two or three tablespoons of almond oil.
- Then you must add the oil to eat, this should be abundant to the top, because without oil you cannot light the lamp.
- If you have a wick you just have to place it and light it, not without first smearing cooking oil on it.
- If your wick is made of cotton, you must introduce the cotton into the pan and make a wick upwards.
You put your lamp in front of an image of Saint Lazarus, you light it and say:
Saint Lazarus patron of the poor and desperate
Merciful and charitable
I ask you with a lot of faith and devotion
And I kneel before you to ask
That you help me in this situation that I have
and grieves (you say your problem)
I hope your blessing and protection
it reaches me like you always have for me
Thank you Saint Lazarus, my Blessed Saint.
Indications to finish the work positively:
- You will light this Lamp to Saint Lazarus for 17 days a while each day and saying the prayer you will pray to the saint.
- At 17 days you will go to the mountain and leave your offering with a plate and everything, you can also leave it in a corner of a market.
- Always keep in mind that when leaving the lamp in the place you choose it must be turned off to avoid accidents.
May the blessings of our merciful saint reach us and help us with great health, that the rest comes only to our lives.