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Offerings to Oshún for our prosperity

offerings to Oshún

Of the offerings that are offered, if something likes the beauty Oshun It is the orange, it delights in its sweetness and seduces good luck, love, money, it gives joy to its children when they are depressed and it awakens goodness in their spirit.

The works are done in order to obtain the promised good of the Orisha, to offer, to give thanks and we use them very often for our advancement and prosperity.

As I always recommend, choose a time of day when you feel calm and the place where you perform this ritual is calm, do it with great faith and conviction in what you do at the foot of Oshún.

Ingredients you need:

  • 5 naranjas
  • Corojo butter
  • 5 strips of gold or white paper with your Osha name and if it is Aleo. (not initiated in religion) your name with date of birth. Of a size that fits the length of the orange.
  • Almond oil (if you have one)
  • Perfume for personal use
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Honey bee
  • Large white plate
  • Orange, yellow, gold or white candle
  • Mint leaves
  • Cornmeal 

How is this offering to Oshún made?

  1. After washing the oranges, he dries them and cuts them in the middle.
  2. In a single lid of the 5 oranges you will add corojo butter, you will do it with your fingers. Remember that all preparation must be done with your hands because all your energy of love for what you do and who you do it goes into them. 
  3. On the other 5 orange lids, you will put your strips of paper with your name and on top you will add almond oil, perfume, cinnamon sticks and honey.
  4. We will place your unlit candle on top of the white plate in the middle.
  5. Around these candles he will place the closed oranges and light his candle.
  6. He will ask Oshún for his blessing, he will give him knowledge of what he is going to do and he will thank him in advance for having granted it (make the request).
  7. Then he will take the mint leaves and add a little on top of the oranges (already closed), he will also add ground corn and 5 turns of honey on top.
  8. Once the work is finished, he will leave the candle lit until it is consumed.
  9. After 5 days he will take her to the river and to the trunk of a very leafy tree.

The work will go to the foot of Oshún, if you have not received it you can use an image of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.

Recommendation: You can also take baths in the name of Oshún with oranges with those same ingredients, except the corojo butter.

Health and prosperity I sincerely wish you and may our mother Oshún fill you with blessings. Remember that offerings to Oshún are made with love and great faith. Trust her.

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