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To Oshún: Oshinshín, Honey and Sunflowers to thank the Orisha of Love

Offerings for oshún

Honey for Oshún always, so that everything in life is sweetened. Sunflowers for the Orisha to bless us and shine like the same sun. oshinshin for the Deity of Love to thank her blessings, three offerings that Queen Oshún adores.

Oshun It is a bedside Osha, it is a Goddess of incomparable beauty, pure river water, it represents the intensity of feelings and spirituality, human sensuality, love and femininity.

Oshún likes to protect pregnant women and women in labor from all evil and adores rivers, since they are her representation in nature, where she lives and blesses.

In favor of her femininity and sensuality, she likes to wear jewelry, body ornaments and adores money, she wears gold and yellow, provoking the world in her path.  

He is a deity who gives himself to help and support those who request his blessings, for which many of his devotees thank him in different ways.

3 powerful offerings for Oshún that you like

The goddess of love likes that her devotees and faithful thank her every day and not only when she fulfills their wishes. Those who are grateful and who share with her their day to day, their hopes and joys, will be rewarded by Oshún with more happiness, more happiness, more luck and more health.

Honey, Oshinshin and sunflowers They are the most powerful elements to lead an offering to the saint in gratitude.

One of the best offerings to thank the goddess can be lighting an amber or yellow candle every morning and before doing your usual tasks.

We can also offer you a corsage of 5 sunflowers, the most beautiful that we can obtain, to entertain her with her favorite flower.

Oshún loves being offered their favorite food, oshinshin, which is a dish that is prepared based on some special ingredients, in addition to other delicacies such as gofio bars and honey, I smelled saffron, sweets of all kinds, pigeons, chayote, pumpkins and many others.

Oshinshin for Oshún How is this offering prepared for the Goddess?

El oshinshin to offer to Oshún is one of the most special foods that can be offered to the Orisha of the rivers.

We must offer it with faith, love, we choose a moment of tranquility, in which we have good character and we are grateful, we must not offer anything to Oshún being upset or with bad energy.

It is made with special ingredients such as:

  • Eggs
  • Shrimp
  • Butter
  • Pepper
  • Caper
  • Manteca
  • Onions
  • Olive oil

The food can be given as an offering to the saint or put as an addimú in the river. She will be grateful in both ways and will shower us with her blessings.

Other powerful offerings to the Goddess of Honey Oshún, which you should know:

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