We ask Olokun, Orisha of the water element of the Yoruba religion, for health and evolution, for her protection from bad influences and enemies and for her waters to cleanse the path of all evil. Thus we pray to him:
I praise the Spirit of the vastness of the Ocean
I praise the spirit of the Ocean that is beyond comprehension
Spirit of the Ocean, I will worship you as much as there is water in the sea
May there be peace in the ocean
That there is peace in my soul
Spirit of the Ocean, The Eternal
I give you my respect
So be it
Olokun is one of the greatest Orishas of Ifá and Osha and in the Yoruba religion it is associated with the deepest secrets of life and death, as well as the most intense mysteries of the deep sea.
The cult of Olokun seeks health, well-being, prosperity and evolution from the material point of view.
It is the orisha of the oceans, the one who represents the sea when it is in its terrifying state, its representation is that of an androgynous being, that is, it has qualities of both sexes.
He is Olokun the Orisha of the sea, he has equivocal anatomical features, like half fish half man and even female and male characteristics are attributed to him. He has the gift of transformation and is used to being horribly terrifying when enraged.
In natural forces, Olokun is represented with the depths of the sea, enigmatic and gloomy, he is the genuine owner of the bottom of the ocean where no one has managed to visit. He holds the secrets that are hidden there, and only he knows what is there, secrets like riches, only Olokun has.
Olokun blesses us with its waters ...
As a deity, he is believed to be one of the most dangerous and powerful among the members of the Yoruba pantheon.
However, it is known that Olokun with his power manages to bless his devotees with Health, Prosperity and even a material evolution, because all the riches of the sea belong to him, so, if we are worthy of his support, we will always help.
Your name means "ocean”And the cult of this deity is currently very practiced. It is associated with the number seven and its colors are white, black and blue.
Why was Olokun chained deep in the Ocean forever?
According to Yoruba mythology, it is not known exactly who Olokun's parents are or if he was conceived by the union of a man and a woman or was created thanks to the power of a supreme being. But there are many legends around this character.
A Pataki says that Orisha Oko, the owner of the crops in Osha, saw one day the face of a very beautiful young woman appear in the tide, and asked her her name and who her father was, to which she replied that she was called Olokun and was the daughter of Obatala.
The farmer decided to ask for her in marriage. But when Obbatalá heard him, he replied that his daughter had a beautiful face, but she also had a defect, and she would only give it to the man who respected her and did not speak to her about it.
Orisha Oko accepted this condition and on her wedding day when they arrived at her house, she discovered that the young woman had a deformed body, but she could not back down.
Time passed and Olokun was unable to one day sell her husband's crop in the market, so Orisha Oko was furious and told her about her flaw. Olokun became so enraged that it caused the waters to flood the land.
Her ashamed husband went to the Obbatalá palace to implore her for mercy. And Obbatalá, understanding the shame of the farmer, looked for Yemayá Okute and ordered him to chain Olokun at the bottom of the ocean and she did so.
From that moment, Olokun lives tied up in the depths of the sea so as not to see any man, because if she remembers her husband's outrage, her anger would flood the lands again.
Qualities of Olokun, Orisha of the Oceans in the Yoruba Religion
Olokun is one of the main deities of Yoruba mythology. He is considered one of the gods who possesses great power, but at the same time he is also known to be one of the most dangerous in Yoruba mythology and the Osha-Ifá religion.
- Your receptacle It is a large clay or earthenware jar, in bluish or black colors. There, its attributes are spread in seawater.
- Its attributes are the rudder, mermaid, lead doll with a snake in one hand and a mask in the other, small boats, anchors, shells, seahorses, starfish, carries 21 otás or stones (9 dark, 9 shellfish and 9 reef stones), 2 hands of snails, sun, moon, majá, chains, a mask, everything related to the ocean made of lead or silver.
Olokun and Yemayá in Santeria:
Olokun's residence is in the depths of the sea, while his spiritual twin Yemaya it resides on the surface and also lives in the waves, for that reason many are those who unite both cults.
However, in Santeria it is also stated that they are different gods, each with the mission of protecting the other. But Olokun in addition to protecting Yemaya, it also supports its power.
How to attend to Olokun?
As we explained, Olokun can grant health and economic prosperity to those devotees who prove to be worthy of his support. For this reason we must pray to him with great respect and faith in his immense powers, so that he helps us when we are in need.
- However, let us never forget to be thankful for the blessings received.
We must also know that this deity of the Yoruba religion does not require much attention, since he eats and is served with many of the same offerings that are given to the Orisha of the Seas, Yemayá.
Olokun must be cared for and left calm in his place, changing the water periodically and always and in all circumstances being attentive so that it does not remain dry.
When the jar is uncovered, which is usually blue in color, you should first look to the side and not look directly as the bottom of the container lives its secrets.
The offerings should be made only when it is necessary, it is marked in a consultation or when the believer feels the impulse to do so since then from the moment it is received, Olokun begins to administer peace, stability and also prosperity.
With the water that rests in Olokun's jar The religious can take spiritual baths and also use it to do ritual cleaning in the house or business, it is a powerful water that attracts development, healing and prosperity.
Addimú (Offerings) dedicated to the mysterious Orisha:
Many of the addimús or offerings that are offered to Olokun are exactly the same as those offered to Yemayá, among them:
- Some sweet items such as coconut balls, boniatillo, gofio palanquetas with molasses and cane molasses.
- He also likes fried green plantains, black beans, watercress, boiled yam balls and pork.
- He likes Finished Corn, also ground cooked with garlic, onion and butter or Corn cobs.
- Fruits such as Coconut, Apples, Watermelon, Oranges, Papayas, Water Pears, Pineapples and Grapes.
Also this deity is immolated by different animals such as the white rooster, chickens, pigeons, goose, duck, jicotea, guinea fowl, ram, ram, pig, cow and calf.
Prayers to Olokun to give us his holy protection
After offering him, we pray to Olokun to invoke and venerate him:
Olokun faith mi lo're. Olokun was going omo re wa se funoyio. Olokun nu ni o si o ki e lu re ye toray. Bomi taafi. Bemitaafi.Olokun ni'ka him. Moyugba. Ashe.
(I venerate the spirit of the vast ocean. I venerate the spirit of the ocean who is beyond all understanding. Spirit of the ocean, I will venerate you, as long as there is water in the sea. Let there be peace in the ocean. Let there be peace in me soul. To the spirit of the ocean, who has no age, I pay my respects. So be it.)
How to ask Olokun?
Olokun is asked to have peace, both in the ocean and in the soul of the person and to be given the same energy of the spirit of the sea.
Choose a quiet moment to dedicate it to the deity, if you can approach its natural temple the sea, reach the shore, touch its waters, ask for his blessing and ask from the heart and with great faith what you want.
If you invoke the Orisha in your home, you can illuminate and light it with a white or blue candle on his behalf.
In the prayers that we dedicate to this deity and her powers as Orisha, the spirit of the immensity of the ocean is praised, always highlighting the respect that should be had for this deity as a powerful divinity.
It is to Olokun that I turn to ask for abundance
The spirit of the Ocean is greater than the head of the Earth,
I pray:
Most honorable old man, save me so I can fulfill myself
Owner of the ocean, save me
Most honorable old man, save me so I can fulfill myself
Owner of the sea, save us
Save us privileged head, save us so that we live