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I pray to Charity for urgent and desperate requests in difficult cases

Prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre for difficult cases

The Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre will always come to the aid of all her faithful when they are going through a difficult situation.

This is what Cubans say, devotees of the also known as Patron Saint of Cuba, Virgin Mambisa and Oshun, goddess of love and rivers in Yoruba beliefs.

Currently, people who visit the Sanctuary of El Cobre, located on a promontory in the province of Santiago de Cuba, come to pray to it and ask for its blessing to face adverse situations. 

They usually return to their homes with tiny copper stones and images of the Virgin, but, above all, with the hope that their pleas will be heard and they will obtain divine protection against evil.

During his visit to the Island on January 4, 1998, Pope John Paul II crowned and blessed the image of the Patron Saint of Cuba during the third mass he officiated in our country and asked the Cuban people not to forget the great events related to the Charity.

He also indicated that the Virgin will always be the protector of all Cubans, no matter where they are.

Ask the Virgin for her blessing: Prayer to Charity

We turn to Caridad del Cobre in moments of despair and pain, because as the Mother of all Cubans, she will always listen to our prayers and protect us.

Let us remember that we must raise prayers with faith and devotion and always speak to her with the truth, like a mother, so that she listens to us and guides us along the best path, so that she gives us strength to move forward.

To Charity, we must tell her our joys and sorrows, we must thank her for her blessings and always show her our sincerity and devotion.

If we are going through a difficult and urgent situation, we must rely on his help and mercy to deal with the problem.

What do we do before we start praying? Advice

  • Let's choose a quiet place in our home, in nature or near its rivers, or fresh waters.
  • We light a yellow or white candle in her name to give light to the saint.
  • If you have an image or statuette of the Virgin, you can pray in front of it.
  • Place an offering of 5 sunflowers or yellow flowers if you have the possibility, as gratitude for your help.
  • Make your request with great faith and love in the little virgin.

Prayer to Our Lady of Charity of Copper for difficult cases

I pray to the miraculous Caridad del Cobre, so we ask the Virgencita de la Caridad in difficult and desperate situations:

Most Holy Virgin of Charity, my Mother and Sovereign Lady,

Named Virgin of Miracles, as our elders called you,

You who always come to the aid of the desperate and heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, and protect the unprotected and disadvantaged.

It has never been heard that none of those who have come to you, implored your assistance and demanded your help, have been abandoned.

That is why I come before you today, Mother, and I ask you not to dismiss my pleas.

I find myself in a difficult situation and I am desperate because evil surrounds me and danger lies in wait for me

Lady, you who always have mercy on those who suffer or are in very difficult situations

I know that you are listening to me and I trust that you will guide me with your light to quickly get out of this difficult path.

Lady of charity, help me find a suitable solution to my problem (make a request to the little virgin)

I ask, Mother, your eternal blessing. Amen

We share some rituals in the name of Charity:

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