The Virgin of Carmen It is one of the most acclaimed saints in the old continent and its former colonies.
This acquired renown after granting numerous miracles where it benefited and gave proof of faith to the most humble of its followers, showing them in this way:
The power of his presence and the value of faith in times of need.
The patron saint of the army and navy:

The Virgin punishes all those who act out of interest and selfishness, defects that she considers dark and unpleasant.
The saint gives lessons to these men and women to modify their behavior by redirecting their steps along the path of good and humanity.
Forgiveness is one of his virtues so he does not reject any of the human beings, who despite having had erratic behavior want to rectify their mistakes, whom he welcomes with the same love as the children who are going to pray to him. daily to church.
Prayer to the protective mother, we beg the Virgin of Carmen for protection
Through the following lines, a tribute is made to the Virgen del Carmen and her greatness as mother and as a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, who went to the cross for love of humanity.
The Virgen del Carmen receives this tribute from the hearts of all those who sing it, pouring happiness and many other blessings on their homes.
Patron saint of sailors,
I give you my prayers and my fears,
Make me your fervent pilgrim,
So that I can live under your miraculous cloak.
I follow your steps on the path that leads to Eden,
I ask you for my family and my friends too,
Protect their steps and guide their way,
So that they obtain the triumph if they deserve it.
Virgin of Carmen, my protective mother,
Saint of the army and of the mighty land,
Your spirit and energy are so great
That you cultivate hearts by making them gigantic.
Today I ask you miraculous virgin,
For the sick who groan and the children who frolic,
So that you give them the virtue granted,
The healing of the body, love and joy.
Strengthen the family under the bond of union,
Instilling humanity and forgiveness into the world,
Open your chest and embrace the souls that seek comfort,
So that your incalculable love guide their steps to heaven.
Some very effective rituals to receive protection and open paths:

Spiritual bath with rice and flowers to attract good energies

3 Ritual baths for our spiritual development and economic evolution

How to ward off the bad energies that persecute and delay you?

Bath in the name of Protective Spirits for luck and clearing paths

Ritual with oranges and honey in the name of the Angel of your Guardian ≫ Cash

How to clean yourself in the name of Saint Lazarus for health and evolution?

Spiritual ceremony with Incense of Rosemary, Thyme and Eucalyptus for fortune

Basil, honey and cinnamon bath to cleanse negative energies