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How to invoke the Fourteen Holy Helpers? A Prayer and a Novena

Prayer to the 14 Holy Helpers

The fourteen auxiliary saints They are a group of deities that devotees have invoked since the beginning of time in order to make special requests.

These saints act as a group their tasks of protection and consent of special favors to the desperate.

Prayers to the fourteen Auxiliary Saints for protection and asking for a favor

To invoke them, it is only necessary to pronounce your prayer from faith and have patience until you can see the results obtained through supplication.

A beautiful prayer of the 14 Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers, who served God in humility and trust on earth and are now enjoying His beatific vision in Heaven; because you endured until death, you earned the crown of eternal life.

Remember the dangers that surround us in this valley of tears and intercede for us in all our needs and adversities. 


  • You can light a white candle before prayer.

The Novena to the Auxiliary Saints

Fourteen holy helpers, select friends of God, I honor you as powerful intercessors and come with total filial confidence to you in my needs, (mention tu request now) for the relief of which I have determined to pray this Novena.

Help me with your intercession to appease the wrath of God, which I have provoked with my sins and assist me in mending my life and in my penance.

Obtain for me the grace I need to serve God with a fervent heart and to resign myself to His holy will, to have patience in adversity and to persevere to the end so that, having completed my earthly course, I can join You in it. Heaven, to praise God forever, Who is wonderful in His Saints. 


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