Synchronized with the Catholic figure of Saint Francis of Assisi, orulaIt is also known as Orunmila, and it is that sacred Orisha that allows communication with all the deities of the Yoruba pantheon, through its oracle it shows the future and the mandate of the Orishas to the devotees.
Orula is the owner of the board, the diviner of the future and the advisor of men, in addition to being the interpreter of the Ifá oracle in the Yoruba religion.
He personifies wisdom and the possibility of influencing the destiny of men on earth, even the most adverse is capable of shaping it. He is also considered a great doctor and one of the owners of the four winds.
¡We must always listen to Orula's advice!

In the Yoruba religion it is always warned that whoever does not follow Orula's advice, be it a man or an Orisha, may be a victim of the osogbos induced by Echu, and for not following his sacred word they will have to face the consequences of fate.
In the Rule of Osha-Ifá the power of this Orisha is so great, that when he advises us, he helps us to solve the situations we face, yes, his word is sacred and must always be followed to avoid falling into misfortunes.
We dedicate this prayer to Orula in search of well-being
We pray to Orula with great respect, asking him, as the great benefactor of humanity, to illuminate the path for us and help us to overcome the most difficult obstacles.
With great faith we call on him to listen to our sorrows and help us avoid difficulties, to give us strength and advice to face our destiny and reach our final goal with spiritual growth and wisdom.
Prayer to Orula to open paths and ask for protection
To Orunmila, we can dedicate the following prayer to ask for his protection:
Oh, Great Orula, you who represent endless wisdom and know the destiny of everything that exists.
Mighty Orisha, benefactor of men and soothsayer, you who possess all accumulated knowledge about the history of mankind.
Orula, the world's first prophet, only you can save us from evils.
My Father, I ask for your blessings, as the counselor of humanity, and I am grateful that your light always guides my path and helps me avoid evil.
Powerful fortune teller, I thank you, for granting me the happiness of your support and your protection.
I, as your unconditional devotee, promise always to be worthy of all your blessings and to fulfill as your respectful son.
I ask you, my Father Orula, that I never lack security, support and comfort in the face of difficult life situations.
Grant me the grace of wisdom, so that I can face any problem or difficulty and come out on top.
Protect me, Great Diviner, and help me with your eternal advice so that I can prosper and find happiness on my way.
So be it.
Learn more about the fortune teller Orula:

Orula help me! Prayer to Orula for Difficult Cases

Chronicle 9: Margarita the wise, the Apetebi of Orula

I pray for protection to Orula and San Francisco de Asís. What unites them?

Learn from the word of Orumila, his spirituality and tributes

Testimony of love and devotion to the powerful Orula in his day

Orula, an Orisha who is never wrong "the oracle does not lie"

Beautiful prayer to Orula for peace, the great benefactor of humanity