Oshún is waterIt is the current that flows, it is the sunflower, honey and gold, it is the beauty of the universe, it is the beautiful goddess, it is goodness and love, it is she the mermaid who owns the sweetness of the sacred liquid.
And before beginning the prayer dedicated to the goddess of love ...
Did you know these 10 qualities of the Beautiful Orisha Oshún?

- She is an orisha in the Yoruba religion and is in the group of the head Oshas, by her power she belongs to the group of the Seven African Powers.
- Represents the intensity of feelings and spirituality, human sensuality and its related, delicacy, finesse, love and femininity.
- She is the Orisha of the Rivers and the clear waters, beautiful, warrior and mother.
- Oshún is the most beautiful of the Yoruba pantheon, but she is also the protector of pregnant women and women in labor; a smiling woman who is inwardly severe, long-suffering and sad.
- She represents religious rigor and symbolizes relentless punishment. She is the only one who reaches where the creator is, Olofin to implore for the beings of the earth.
- She is the apetebí (wife) of Orunmila, whom she supports in all her work.
- Oshún in nature is symbolized by rivers but it is also related to jewelry, body adornments and money, due to numerous legends that are associated with it.
- She is the goddess of the river named after her in Nigeria. It is said that she lived in a cave that still exists in Ijesa, Nigeria, north towards the Nile River. There she is worshiped in many parts of the Yoruba lands, although it is in the city of Osogbo, where her river passes where she has the largest number of believers.
- She was the second wife of God of Thunder, Shango. In Africa his messenger is the crocodile and his followers take offerings to the river and ask for his favors.
- Oshún is the Orisha of the power and energy of fresh water and her name comes from the Yorùbá Osún.
To open paths we dedicate this prayer to Oshún "asking for prosperity"
If we have the possibility of approaching the natural temple of Oshún it would be ideal, a river, a waterfall, its fresh waters.
If you cannot, choose a moment of peace in your home, where you can calmly pray to him, by the light of a yellow, gold or white candle.
You can offer her sunflower flowers that are her favorites, honey, pumpkin that is the fruit of prosperity or simply what you can offer her from the heart, as long as it is with faith she welcomes it.
Speak sincerely, do not ask for the impossible and be clear with your request, remember, do not ask evil for anyone. Oshún is a vigilante and takes care of those who do wrong.
Ask for their blessing with this prayer and thank each day for their help.
With this prayer we ask Oshún good things!
Glorious goddess Oshún, goddess of love who, like a mother, guides me every day,
My precious and beloved Oshún, I thank you for the many things that I always ask of you, from health, to love, prosperity and happiness for me and mine.
My mother, you who know my needs, my sorrows and my strengths, I ask you not to abandon me and take care of me.
Listen to my request and protect my family and all those people who are always by my side.
Oh, Mother Oshún! Orisha of the rivers and waterfalls, take with your waters everything bad in my life
Put away difficulties and setbacks and give me peace and calm, and prosperity so that my family will never have any need
Bella Oshún, owner of the gold, you who watch over the welfare of all your children and devotees
enlighten and open my paths, pour out your immense powers over my family, so that I never suffer hunger, misery, or ruin
Bless me and guide me, My Queen, so that I lack nothing
Blessed Mother Oshún, protect your faithful from all calamity and help us to overcome the obstacles that life imposes on us.
To continue walking like your proud children on the path of life
So be it mother Oshún.
Learn about some ways to make offerings to Goddess Oshún:

Offering to Oshun for beauty How to attract her with rituals?

How to attract love? The Ritual to Oshun that will help you achieve it

On Oshun's Day an Addimú with 5 towers to entertain her with faith

Types of Offerings to Oshun in her day How to venerate Iyalorde?

Work at the foot of the 2 waters: Tribute to Yemayá and Oshún in September

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