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How to ask San Antonio Abad for our pet health and protection?

Prayer to San Antonio Abad for pets

It was San Antonio Abad a humble young man who lived with his parents and who, very young, became interested in the church and the teachings of God.

He paid close attention to the readings and kept in his heart the idea of ​​purifying his soul and following in the footsteps of Jesus.

Antonio was formed a man with great rectitude. Since he decided to be a hermit and purify his spirit, many temptations were presented to him, which he was able to overcome with great courage and faith, always looking towards the service of God.

With prayers we invoke the miraculous Saint Anthony Abbot

They say that, with his prayer, San Antonio could ward off any dangerous animal that presented danger. That is why it is said that this saint is patron and protector of animals.

Prayer is a fundamental tool to get closer to the saint, which should not be missing at any time.

Fundamentally, it will be our way of honoring him on his day, this January 17.

We usually go to San Antonio Abad to ask for the due protection of all the animals in the world, but also that of our pets.

How to pray for your pet to the Patron Saint of Animals?

That is why when we have an animal and they get sick, we can try to cure it using the medical and spiritual pathways together.

Thus, we can make the prayer to ask for the blessing of San Antonio Abad so that he takes care of and restores the health of our animals.

Before invoking his power and begging him to intercede with this beautiful prayer, you can light a candle in his name to illuminate the path of health that we so desire.

  • This is how we pray to the saint for our pet or the animals for which we wish to pray for health, protection and blessings.

Glorious Saint Anthony Abad, protective Father of all things.

Miraculous saint, I come to thank you this day for your immense blessings,

Thank you for taking care of my pet and keeping it away from illness and danger

Blessed are you, because you left us a legacy of immense kindness towards the needy, and especially for the little animals of the world.

You who had so much love for these creatures, I beg you not to abandon (say the name of the pet) at any time.

San Antonio blessed be, you who gave yourself without measure to the animals

San Antonio Abad example of humility, whom God has glorified with countless miracles.

I want to ask you especially to be the protector as the guardian of my pet.

Ask God for mercy and compassion for him, my great joy, my company, who gives me his affection and love

Never let him suffer from any disease that may arise.


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