This beautiful prayer is highly prized among his devotees, because in it they manage to find clarity, light and a lot of tranquility.
Praying always brings us closer to relief from our anguish and peace of mind and spirit.
If you need to clear your mind, understanding and ways, pray this prayer to Saint Clare and do this simple but effective spiritual work.
It not only helps us in life in general, but for love, to open and clear paths, to clarify thoughts, to solve relationship problems where understanding is lacking, to clean our aura and make everything flow.
Spiritual ritual with egg in the name of Santa Clara to clear the mind:
When you want to find solutions to the sorrows that welcome you, do this simple but effective ritual with Santa Clara Clarifier.
- Put a white candle in the name of Santa Clara.
- In a glass of clear water put an egg white inside.
- Place the glass and candle in a clean place on behalf of the Saint.
- Then we pray to open understanding and clarify our steps, if you want you can do it every day, once a week or whenever you want.
Do it with a lot of faith, conviction and love, trust your request and ask from the heart for what you want.
Prayer to Santa Clara to have clarity and clarify the paths:
Light of fire and clarity of understandings, I beg, Lord, through our Saint, to whom you gave the sovereign name of CLARA, that, through your help and her intercession, my understanding be clarified, so that I clearly know the faults with which I have offended you, and declare my darkness before my confessor, so that he may detest and erase them, turned into clear lights of your grace with the Sacrament of Penance.
Clarifying Saint Clare, bring much light to our lives!
- Recommended wear a medal or stop "Magistral" of Santa Clara during the recitation of this prayer.
- If you want to continue praying and take a moment to meditate, I recommend More information Prayers here