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Prayer to Saint Rita of Casia

Saint Rita of Cassia

Powerful desperate case attorney, through this prayer we implore you, Saint Rita of Cassia, that you save us and take refuge in your happiness, keep us away from pain, of the diseases and all the evils that can reach our feet.

Protect our families, our children, parents, siblingsTake care of them and do not abandon them now or ever.

We trust you and we pray with faith because only you can help us in cases as desperate as those facing the world today.

Prayer to Saint Rita of Casia to ask a favor in difficult cases:

Oh most powerful Saint Rita,
called a desperate case lawyer,
helper of last hope,
refuge and salvation in pain
leading to despair,
with all confidence in your heavenly power,
I turn to you in the difficult and unforeseen case
that painfully oppresses the heart.

Tell me, Santa Rita, won't you help me?
Won't you comfort me?
Are you going to take your gaze and your pity away from my heart,
so extremely troubled?

You also know what the martyrdom of the heart is!

for the atrocious sorrows, for the bitter tears
that you holy poured out, come to my aid.

Speak and pray, intercede for me before the heart of God, Father of mercy
and source of all consolation and get me the grace I desire
(indicate desired grace).

Presented my prayer I will leave it with the purpose of improving my life and my customs,
to sing on earth and in heaven
divine mercies.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

That through this powerful prayer to Saint Rita of Cassia for impossible and desperate cases, for those difficult cases where we need a miracle and the intercession of our merciful saints, such as Saint Rita, hear this prayer that we make from the heart and that we Help them face life's adversities.

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