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How to ask Obatala for a special favor? Tranquility and peace with Baba

Obatala's prayer to open paths

To Obbatalá, Father Orisha, one of the 7 African powers who support the devotees at all times, we ask for your favor and advice to rid us of all evil.

Baba (father) Obbatalá takes care of the peace, harmony and order of all men in the world, he can even appease the temperament of gods like Oggún and Shango, and is considered a merciful, patient and loving god, like a father.

We can look for Father Orisha, the wise old man who can intercede for his children and devotees before any other deity, in the mountains, which is his natural temple.

He is the only Orisha who has both male and female paths.

  • We must bear in mind that your date of celebration in Santeria is September 24 next to the image of the Catholic religion with which he syncretizes, La Virgen de las Mercedes.

On that day they are entertained and given devotion, since Obbatalá values ​​the faith of his sons and devotees.

What do you put on Obatalá before praying and asking?

To ask Baba for his favor, as his children affectionately call him, we must remember that an offering is made to him:

  • Rice pudding, meringue, silver dragees,
  • fruits like soursop, and pomegranate,
  • canary seed, bread, milk, yams, cocoa butter, cascarilla, corn,
  • white flowers, especially cotton.

All your offerings must be white or clear and must never contain salt. At the end of the article we leave some offerings with the procedure to be carried out.

His ewes (herbs) are acacia, chicory, bell, cotton, white pigweed, mugwort, atiponlá, virgin vine, saffron, lily, white canutillo, coconut, African coquito, gallant by day, gallant by night, incense, mallow, sage , clover, among others.

  • However, remember that Baba will always listen to you Although you cannot entertain him and offer him anything, it will be enough to have faith and his power will intercede on his behalf.

Where do we take the offerings to Baba Obatala?

We can take these offerings to the mountains, to the mount or to a leafy tree and from there invoke the orisha.

But we can also place them on an altar of veneration to Obbatalá, which we must place in a quiet and very clean place, since he is a very neat deity.

The altar should be adorned only in white, a representative color of the considered orisha of Purity.

We can also put white candles, which we will light to pray to him, flowers of the same color and symbols and attributes of the Orisha to venerate him.

2 Powerful prayers to Baba Obatala to ask him to intercede

We are going to pray to the wise Father to intercede for us.

Before Obbatalá you must always observe a behavior of obedience and show him the maximum respect, if we wish to have his favor.

We must always invoke it properly dressed and taking personal hygiene into account.

We pray to him with faith and explain our joys and misfortunes to him like a father, because Obbatalá will patiently listen to us and guide us through the best way to overcome difficulties.

1. To Obatalá, Prayer to thank and open paths with a request

Light a white candle and with faith say this prayer:

Obatalá, the old man whose favorite food is white, and who with his power makes one person reproduce in many.

The universe and the behavior of beings belong to you. The one who shaped all children.

The deity who cares to protect the orí of all men, the one who makes the sterile fertile.

The protective deity of the spirit, who is dedicated to white purity.

From within its white purity it shines emitting light to protect its followers.

Obatala father! The great deity! That is big enough to be praised.

O great King, my Father heeds this request that I make to you from my heart (mention the favor he needs).

2. We can dedicate this prayer to him to ask for his favor

King Obatala, you who reign in heaven, I call you, tYour glory is my hope, your faith is mine, and your charity is my goodness.

Father of all the holy orishas of the world, pfather of all that is white, pure and full of spiritual light.

Father who is the emblem with which I identify myself, give me wisdom, dalways love the right word for all who want to hear me.

Give me ears to listen to all who wish to speak to me, gI was following my path on the path of good.

Give me the destiny that you have reserved for me, guide my steps through it, pLet me have your protection and protection, cAs the light that accompanies you, bless me and mine,

O my king Obatala, I trust you and I am devoted to you, you will always be,

My sovereign redeemer, king of kings Obatala


Meet some of the offerings that Obatalá loves:

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