The person who first made the invocation of Mary as Help of Christians It was Saint John Bosco, who proclaimed himself a faithful devotee of the Immaculate Virgin and guided her educational works aimed at young people under the mantle and advice of the doctrines decreed by the example of the Virgin Mary.
Such was his devotion in life to the Virgin Help of Christians, that he founded the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in order to bring his teachings to the girls designated by their own free will, to honor the Virgin under said Christian invocation.
The representation of the Virgin Help of Christians
The image of Mary Help of Christians was made representing the image of the Virgin with the Child Jesus in her arms, her presence being venerated by the twelve Apostles, being surrounded by other saints and heavenly angels.
This representation is exhibited in all the churches belonging to the Catholic faith, paying a well-deserved tribute to the Virgin Mary, who was one of the first women to believe in the word of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer made by Saint John Bosco to Mary Help of Christians
Through the prayer to Mary Help of Christians, Saint John Bosco tried to enhance her power and role as the protective mother of humanity, Mary being the mother of Jesus and of all men, through her faith and consolation are sought in afflictions. .
Oh Mary, mighty Virgin,
Great and illustrious defender of the Church,
Singular help of Christians,
Terrible as an army ordered for battle,
You alone have triumphed over all the heresies of the world.
Oh Mother, in our anguish,
In our struggles, in our troubles,
Deliver us from the enemy and in the hour of death
Take us to heaven. Amen
Don Bosco's Novena to Mary Help of Christians
To perform the novena of Saint John Bosco to Mary Help of Christians, you must begin by praying Three Our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and 3 Glories to Jesus in the Sacrament, pronouncing the following words:
"Be praised and grateful at all times, the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament."
After this, three Hail Queen to Mary Help of Christians are made invoking the phrase:
"Mary Help of Christians, pray for us."
Then the sign of the Holy Cross is performed three times.
- It should be noted that this novena As its name indicates, it is carried out for nine consecutive days in search of help and intercession of the Virgin Help of Christians and protector of worldly dangers.
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