Peace is the virtue that mankind has longed for Throughout the ages, wars have been unleashed to obtain this blessing and many people have perished in the attempt to conquer it.
Hence the importance of their existence and care.
Today we pray to God through this prayer to make us worthy of this good and so we can live in harmony.
Peace is the compass that keeps the present oriented and the future on track, a home without peace becomes a chaos that condemns all its inhabitants to unhappiness.
Miraculous prayer for peace and tranquility
Our Lady and Mother, Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, protector of the Catholic Church.
We come to you to beg you for peace, the peace that the world seeks without finding. The peace that your son Jesus Christ came to bring us.
Peace whose only true source is Jesus Christ.
The peace that is a source of bliss of joy and happiness, a virtue for which it is necessary to conquer or die in the attempt, because without peace there is no prosperous future and the soul is incapable of seeking consolation.
We pray that you intercede for us so that we open ourselves to the peace that comes from God.
Peace that is the fruit of justice, whose soul is love for God and neighbor.
Peace that demands that man renounce envy, ambition, pride and selfishness.
Peace that constitutes an unprecedented treasure for the human being who possesses it rejoices in the glory of the heavenly paradise.
Lord, cover us under your mantle so that we may be worthy of your blessings and your protection.
Guide our steps on the paths of good and love for humanity as this is the only way to eternal glory.
We come to you so that this peace that God offers us in Jesus, we receive it, preserve it and take it to the world, help us to be peacemakers.
May your maternal help make us brave, patient and effective to commit ourselves to working for justice, the foundation of the peace that we all need.
Help us to obtain the satisfaction of tranquility and in this way we live in peace with our family and the world, respecting those around us and nature, a force that immortalizes God. Amen. Jesus.
Powerful prayers for each day of the week:

7 Miraculous Prayers for Every Day of the Week Do you pray every morning?

Miraculous prayer for Monday morning: With great faith we pray

With this Saturday Prayer I ask God for many blessings and love

2 Prayers to have a Thursday approach to God and give thanks

Miraculous prayer to bless Wednesday and make our request

Prayer to bless Monday: a prosperous and clear start to the week

Start Friday with a prayer to get closer to God and thank him

4 Prayers to have a blessed Tuesday For the day and night!