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Powerful prayer to calm the violence and that God protect us with peace

Prayer for the violence to end

Violence is one of the greatest evils facing humanity today.

Provoking wars, chaos, crimes and confrontations of all kinds, and many of us have been victims of merciless violence.

In these turbulent times when most nations are beset by conflict, war, and disease, we must remember:

  • Always have faith, meditate and pray to our spiritual guides so that they illuminate us the best way to follow, to avoid violence and its painful consequences.

If every day we pray with faith and from the bottom of our hearts to those powers we trust, we can pray for the calm of the violence around us and transform our environment into peace and serenity.

Today, we are beset by perennial confrontations, even family and friends break the ties that united them and fight to assert their opinion, in a display of violence that affects everyone around them.

Therefore, we must pray to calm down and avoid the painful consequences of violence, which is not only physical, but also emotional and psychological.

Prayer for the violence to cease and tranquility to come to our hearts

When praying for peace in our soul we can place a white candle.

A candle that gives light to all beings, saints and deities that guide us, so that they intercede before our pain, that of our loved ones and that of the world.

Let us raise the following prayer to calm the violence:

Almighty and merciful God, Lord of the Universe and of human history.

Everything you have created is good, and your compassion for man, who abandons you again and again, is inexhaustible.

We come today to implore you to protect the world and its inhabitants with peace, removing destructive violence from it, restoring friendship and pouring into the hearts of your creatures the gift of trust and the readiness to forgive.

Giver of life, we also ask you for all those who have died, victims of brutal attacks and wars.

Grant them eternal reward and joy.

May they intercede for the world, shaken by anguish and misfortunes.

Jesus, Prince of Peace, we pray for those injured in the fighting: children and young people, women and men, the elderly, innocent people and those who have been attacked by chance.

Heal their body and heart, that they feel strengthened by your comfort, drive away hatred and the desire for revenge.

Move the hearts of the violent and those who incite hatred so that they know the evil of their actions and return to the path of peace and good, respect for life and the dignity of every human being, regardless of their religion, origin or social status.

God, Eternal Father, listen compassionately to this prayer that rises to You amid the noise and despair of the world.

Full of confidence in your infinite Mercy, trusting in the intercession of your Blessed Mother. We beg you for the gift of peace and we ask that you remove pain from us.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

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