May is the month dedicated to worshiping the Virgin Mary, Catholic saint and mother of Jesus Christ, there are various prayers and quotes dedicated to honoring the one who was revered by the Christian people as the mother of humanity.
- This prayer that we particularly offer you today can be recalled any day of the month regardless of whether it is May or not.
Rodolfo Vergara Antúnez owes many of the prayers that we pronounce to the Virgin Mary today.
This transmits in a special way the faith and devotion of Catholics who seek among verses to get a little closer to the mercy of the holy mother.
Miraculous prayer to pray with great faith every day of the month
Oh Mary, during the beautiful month that is consecrated to you, everything resonates with your name and praise.
Your sanctuary shines with new brilliance, and our hands have raised you a throne of grace and love, from where you preside over our festivals and hear our prayers and vows.
To honor you we have scattered fresh flowers at your feet, and adorned your foreheads with garlands and crowns.
More, oh Mary !, you are not satisfied with these tributes.
There are flowers whose freshness and freshness never pass and crowns that do not wither.
These are what you expect from your children, because the most beautiful adornment of a mother is the piety of her children, and the most beautiful crown that they can lay at her feet is that of her virtues.
Yes, the lilies that you ask of us are the innocence of our hearts.
We will endeavor, therefore, during the course of this month consecrated to your glory, O Holy Virgin!, To preserve our souls pure and unblemished, and to separate even the shadow of evil from our thoughts, desires and gazes.
The rose whose brightness pleases your eyes is charity, love for God and our brothers and sisters.
We will therefore love one another, as children of the same family whose Mother you are, living all in the sweetness of a brotherly harmony.
In this blessed month, we will try to cultivate in our hearts the humility, modest flower that is so dear to you, and with your help we will become pure, humble, charitable, patient and resigned.
O Mary !, make all these loving virtues produce in the depths of our hearts; May they sprout, flourish and finally bear the fruits of grace, to be able one day to be worthy children of the most holy and the best of mothers, Amen.
We share miraculous prayers for each Day of the Week:

7 Miraculous Prayers for Every Day of the Week Do you pray every morning?

Miraculous prayer for Monday morning: With great faith we pray

With this Saturday Prayer I ask God for many blessings and love

2 Prayers to have a Thursday approach to God and give thanks

Miraculous prayer to bless Wednesday and make our request

Prayer to bless Monday: a prosperous and clear start to the week

Start Friday with a prayer to get closer to God and thank him

4 Prayers to have a blessed Tuesday For the day and night!