From the ancestors and ancestors we come, thanks to them, we are.
For anthropologists, ancestors and ancestors have slightly different meanings; While the ancestor is someone real, a deceased from whom one descends, the ancestor may only be a mythical character, but who is part of our lineage, even if hundreds or thousands of years separate us.
In religiosity these beings, now deceased, are the same beings of light that protect us and take care of us from their astrality, providing care to those who remain on earth.
They are like a beacon that guides us along the good paths and leads us through not so good paths, so that we can learn about the wisdom of life.
The trees, the land, the culture, the faith, the spirituality, and everything that we live today is thanks to them, to their history, to their past.
On earth we must worship the ancestors from humility and love, to thank you for all that you have bequeathed to us through hundreds and hundreds of years.
Beautiful prayer for the ancestors to give Thanks
Before doing this prayer of gratitude we can light a white candle in their name to give them light.
“Thank you dear parents, grandparents and other ancestors for having woven my path.
Immense gratitude for the immensity of your dreams that, in some way, are now my reality.
From this moment, and with much love, I give birth to the sadness that was in past generations, I give birth to anger, premature departures, unspoken names, tragic destinies.
I give light to the arrow that cut roads and gave us the sidewalk.
I give birth to the joy, the stories that are repeated over and over again.
I give birth to unspoken and familiar secrets.
I bring to light the stories of violence and rupture between couples, parents and children and between siblings and that it is time and love that bring them together again.
I give birth to all the memories of limitation and poverty, all the negative and disruptive beliefs that permeate my family system.
Here and now I sow new hope, joy, unity, prosperity, dedication, balance, daring, faith, strength, improvement, love, love and love.
May all generations past and future be now, in this instant, covered with a rainbow of lights that heal and restore the body, soul, and all relationships.
May the strength and blessing of each generation always reach and flood the next generation.So be it. That's how it is!"
By Bert Hellinger