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3 Prayers to receive the Blessing of Our Lady of Charity of Copper

Prayers to the Virgin of Charity

Our Cachita, the Virgin Mambisa, the protector of the people, to whom we go in the most difficult moments to ask for her comfort and spiritual support. She is the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Patroness of Cuba and a symbol of love and faith for all those who, in their hearts, are children of this land.

And the cult of Caridad del Cobre is not separated from the worship of Oshún, Yoruba goddess of Love and Rivers, since both deities have merged in prayers with Afro-Cuban roots.

The Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre is one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary, one of the ways in which the mother of Jesus has been made known to us and her appearance in our seas is a legend that most Cubans known.

La Caridad del Cobre and its history

It is said that she was seen to help some sailors who invoked her, and then the image was collected from the waters by the so-called Tres Juanes.

They say that in 1613 two brothers descended from indigenous people, Juan and Rodrigo de Hoyos, and a nine or 10-year-old black boy named Juan Moreno, were looking for salt in the eastern bay of Nipe when they spotted the image of Caridad del Cobre, floating in the sea.

Thus, they rescued her and transferred her to the Real de Minas town, near the town of Santiago de Cuba, where the event was considered a divine sign and they housed the figure in a hermitage to protect her.

From that moment on, there are many people who show great devotion to Our Lady of Charity of Copper in our country, which is why she is the patron saint of Cuba, proclaimed as such since 1916.

During her visit in 1998, John Paul II crowned her as Queen and Patroness of Cuba.

The Virgin Mambisa, the Cuban

Caridad del Cobre is also known as the Virgin Mambisa because the Cuban mambises were entrusted to her before each battle, in the so-called Ten Years War or Great War.

They say that Carlos Manuel de Céspedes himself, Father of the Nation, bowed before her to pray after starting the War of Independence.

And so, throughout history we hear stories of the many miracles and favors that La Caridad del Cobre has granted to those who have needed it and begged for its support in desperate situations.

Today, the patron saint of Cuba, the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, is one of the saints most praised by the Cuban people, although she is also recognized in many Latin American countries.

But in Cuba, people, whether they are Catholic or practice the Rule of the Ocha, pray to him daily seeking his protection and his blessings for love, material prosperity and health.

Many carry small stamps with their image in their wallets as a protective amulet and they put sunflowers, candles and honey in front of their altar, highlighting the syncretism of the cult of the holy-orisha.

Prayers to the Patroness of Cuba from her Shrine

Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre
Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre in Santiago de Cuba

There are hundreds of people, Cubans and foreigners who visit the Sanctuary of Caridad del Cobre, located at the top of Cerro de Maboa, 27 kilometers from the city of Santiago de Cuba, one of the religious centers. most famous and colorful on the Island.

The virgin that is kept inside these walls is made of gold and can be seen from all corners of the main nave, so that each one can pray to her in their own way, asking for her support and mercy.

The Sanctuary remains illuminated by thousands of candles that people light to make their prayers and also houses hundreds of offerings of all kinds that thank the Virgin for her many miracles.

But this year, plagued by the disease, few have been able to go to pray to the Virgen de la Caridad de Cobre at her sanctuary. However, devotees show true faith in their homes, before an image of the saint or an altar dedicated to her.

Above all, they did it on September 8 when we celebrated the Day of Charity of Copper, and from lto Orisha Oshún. Flowers, candles, offerings of food and bright objects entertained from Cuban homes to the deities united in the Afro-Cuban roots of this nation.

Prayers to “Cachita” for well-being

Prayers to Charity

Most Cubans have prayers to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre on hand to ask for her blessing.

She protects her children wherever they are, and that is why we entrust ourselves to the Patroness of Cuba in any need. As a mother, she will always accompany us and keep us away from all evil.

To the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, what is she asked for?

The prayers to the patron Virgin of Cuba are a plea and a request for hope and protection. She is also the representative saint of justice, so much is required of her in contentious cases.

We pray to her to keep injustices out of our way and protect us like a mother. We ask you to help us find happiness, love, and guide us on a prosperous path.

To pray to her, many leave her sunflowers and light yellow or white candles in front of her image, then speak to her from the tranquility of a lonely space, about her problems, her joys and her wishes, always with great faith that she will listen to us. and it will guide us towards the best decisions.

  • Let's see now, a Prayer to ask the Virgin of Caridad del Cobre for her favor

Most Holy Virgin of Charity, my Mother and Sovereign Lady,

I come to prostrate myself at your feet with humility and a lot of faith

Miraculous Virgin as our elders called you,

heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, guide

to the desperate, preserve families from all misfortune,

protects youth and protects children.

No one can publish the wonders that you work every day

in favor of the souls that invoke you, thus justifying

the trust and love that all your children profess for you.

From your Sanctuary of El Cobre, Venerable Virgin of Charity,

always be the source of all graces.


Prayer to Our Lady of Charity of Copper for difficult cases

We also go to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre in desperate situations, and we raise a prayer requesting her urgent help with great faith.

  • This is the prayer to Our Lady of La Caridad del Cobre to implore her help:

Remember, oh most pious Virgin Mary! Lady of Charity

that it has never been heard that none

of those who have come to You, implored

your assistance and claimed your help,

has been abandoned and left to chance

Encouraged with this confidence, you too

I come, oh Virgin, Mother of virgins,

and although moaning under the weight of my sins

I dare to appear before

Your Holy Sovereign Presence.

Do not discard, oh most pure Mother of God, Miraculous Lady

my humble supplications, rather,

listen to it favorably.


I pray that the virgin intercedes with justice

As we explained previously, the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre represents divine justice and therefore we go to pray to her to guide our path and cleanse it of injustices.

  • This is the Prayer to ask for justice to the Virgencita de la Caridad

Little Virgin of Charity, you who never forsake

to those who ask for your help.

You who always have mercy on those who suffer

or those who carry their mistakes and are in very difficult situations.

I know that you are listening to me, and that you are by my side

and next to my family right now

and in those to come.

Virgin of Charity, protector and sovereign, make justice in our case,

that we remain under the protection of your beloved Son.

I have full confidence that you will help me

to give an adequate solution to my difficult situation

where I am and what will be unleashed

all the knots and traps of the enemy.

Guide my way, I know that you will finally make us arrive

the peace, the union and the concord that we deserve

after so much anguish and tribulation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


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