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5 Short prayers to the beautiful Oshún: Grant us health, love and wealth

Prayers to Oshún

Oshún, the dancer with the 5 handkerchiefs, is one of the most popular Orishas of the yoruba pantheon, for its immense beauty and its indisputable grace.

She is a very beloved goddess in Yoruba mythology, because among her powers she can heal the sick and repair broken hearts, she also brings fertility to the land and women, and grants abundance and prosperity to her faithful.

Oshún is the sovereign of fresh and sweet waters, in addition, she is known as the Goddess of Love.

In Santeria or the Rule of Osha it is a symbol of sweetness, happiness and joy and is as kind and generous as it is beautiful, charismatic and charming.

She likes her children and devotees to be happy, so she always watches over their welfare as a protective mother.

But we must also know that Oshún is very powerful and is considered the queen of witches, teacher of magic and mysticism. His powers are directed primarily to romance and seduction and he adores spells and love bonds.

What is asked of the Goddess of Love Oshun?

Sunflowers for the Orisha Oshún
The sunflower is the favorite flower of the Orisha Oshún

Oshún has the keys to love, success, prosperity and pregnancyTherefore, we invoke her and ask for her comfort and help in any of these situations.

We must make sure we always keep her happy, and never make her a promise that we cannot keep, it is very dire and does not forgive great faults.

She always values ​​the faith and affection of her children and devotees, in addition to fidelity and displays of faith.

We can pray to the Orisha to:

  • Love: Solve a love or sentimental problem such as fights or a distant love
  • Fertility: Prayers are made for a woman to become pregnant, since Oshún is the one who watches over the unborn children and their mothers and can help with birth problems and control the abdominal area.
  • Abundance: The Goddess of the Rivers is requested to open paths for wealth and prosperity, since Oshún, due to its characteristic yellow color and elegance, is a symbol of wealth and power.
  • Family happiness: Oshún is also related in a special way to marriage and motherhood, her followers come to her to pray for marital happiness.
  • Health and against enemiesLikewise, Oshún is prayed for health and protection against any negative energy. She with her immense powers, will ward off any evil from our home, even enemies and envies.  

Miraculous prayers to Oshún to open the way for uss How to invoke it?

Let us remember that Oshún is also venerated through the Virgin of Charity of Copper, the same deity that is considered the Patroness of Cuba, and we can also take that into account when praying to her.

In addition to the prayers, we can also make an altar for him and put some of his favorite offerings.

E.g., the copper coins on your altar will attract fortune and we can place other elements that adorn with their representative color, yellow, such as sunflowers, oranges, honey, yellow candles, among others.

We can pray to him from our home or from his temple natural river, by the light of a yellow or gold candle. Many devotees come there to be closer to Mother Oshún and thus ask her for her blessings by touching her waters.

We must pray to Oshún, dancer with the 5 handkerchiefs, showing him our being, without masking our true personality or hiding anything from him, always happy and calm, never angry.

Like a mother, we should relate our joys to her and ask her for advice and guidance in our hardships.

  • So we pray with these miraculous prayers to Oshún with great faith and love:

1. Very powerful prayer to Oshún for Love

Oshún beloved mother, gold is your ray of light just like the gold that belongs to you.

Orisha, sweet water don't let any mist cloud my deepest desire for true love.

Oshún Oh, mother, give me your strength, give me alchemy as the sublime nectar.

that you know how to respect and revere. So be it, Ashe.

2. I pray to Goddess Oshún for Money and Prosperity

Oh, Mother Oshún! Orisha of rivers and waterfalls,

Goddess of love! Your waters keep the feelings that feed the hearts.

Bella Oshún, owner of gold, illuminate and open my paths, pour your gold on my family,

may he never suffer hunger, misery, or ruin, may we not lack your blessing or prosperity in the future.

Never abandon me and guide me on the path of success and good opportunities.

Blessed Mother Oshún, protect your children from all calamity.

May your five handkerchiefs serve us to take advantage of the gifts you provide us with

and may we have the path open to health, happiness and prosperity


3. Prayer of Oshún, dancer of the 5 handkerchiefs to ask for Protection

Oshún, goddess who takes over the road and makes men flee.

Oshún, the funniest mother. Open the path of attraction.

I praise you, the goddess of mystery and ask for your sacred protection against all evil.

Do not let bad energies disturb my passage through life.

Clean my path with your waters and give me your hand to reach my destination safely.

Spirit that cleanses me from the inside out,

Mother of the mirror, Mother of dance, Mother of abundance do not stop watching over us

Protect my life, protect my home and protect mine,

So be it, mother, Ashé

4. Prayer to Oshún for Health and ward off diseases

Oshún, Lady of the waterfall. Oh! Oshún beautiful and wonderful:

Remove all evil from me when it hurts, bless me with your goodness and your justice.

I pray that, in this moment of pain, you shed your merciful eyes on me, Oshún.

And may its waters calm my poor soul, and may I receive your graces

and the hope of regaining health Merciful Mother

So be it. Thank you beautiful mother.

5. Prayer to Oshún to get pregnant and have fertility

Oh blessed goddess Oshún, beautiful, mother and goddess, mistress of the waters of all rivers.

Revered for the power you have in life, today I come before you as your faithful daughter,

So that you will have mercy on me and allow me to be a mother, I beg you to fill my belly with life.

Give me the blessing of being a mother, I thank you blessed Oshún.


By invoking Oshún you can offer him some of his favorite offerings:

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