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2 Miraculous Prayers to Saint John the Baptist to ask for what is needed

Prayers to Saint John the Baptist

 “Most glorious Saint John the Baptist, forerunner of my Lord Jesus Christ, beautiful star of the best sun, trumpet of Heaven, voice of the eternal word, you are the greatest of the saints and standard-bearer of the King of Glory; more a son of grace than of nature and for all reasons, a mighty prince in Heaven; Grant me the favor that I ask of you, if it is convenient for my salvation; and if not for my perfect resignation, with abundant grace; that by becoming a friend of God, I assured myself the eternal happiness of Glory. Amen. "

This is the prayer to San Juan Bautista, which is always remembered when celebrating the night of San Juan, a ritual that, despite containing Christian beliefs, still preserves the touch of magic and mysteries of the ancient pagan festivities. But that celebration of the Summer Solstice, on June 24, is dedicated to the saint.

The name JUAN, comes from the Hebrew Yo-hasnam, meaning "God is merciful", although another similar etymology is Jo-hanan or Jo-hannes, which means "God is in my favor."

Saint John the Baptist is one of the most recognized saints in the Bible. In the Gospel of Saint Luke 1:36, the mother of John the Baptist, Elizabeth, is described as a "relative" of Mary, so it is believed that the saint and Jesus probably had a blood relationship.

John the Baptist was also the forerunner or messenger of the Messiah and thus prepared the way for his arrival, calling for repentance and conversion and baptizing with water.

Thus said the saint:

"And I did not know him, but I have come to baptize in water so that he may be revealed to Israel" (John 1:31).

Then, when going through baptism, he expressed:

"I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and staying on him." And I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me: 'The one on whom you see the Spirit descend and stay on him, that is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.'

Saint John the Baptist is considered a prophet by three religions:

  • Christianity,
  • Islam and
  • the Bahá'í Faith, son of Zacharias, a Jewish priest who was married to Saint Elizabeth.

It is said that since childhood he had a wide vocation as an orator, and when he learned about the existence of Jesus, he preached religious faith, helping the settlers to believe and be baptized and sowing among them the ideas of love of neighbor.

In Cuba San Juan Bautista is also venerated, and in the cult of Santeria and Afro-Cuban religion, product of religious syncretism, he is worshiped together with Osun the Orisha watcher and caretaker of the walkers.

What day is celebrated on San Juan Bautista the teacher of good faith?

Saint John the Baptist

They say that John the Baptist was questioned by tax collectors and soldiers about what they should do to please God, and thus, the saint showed them the best way to do honest work and sow justice.

But his life soon ended when Herod sent people to the Jordan to arrest John, who was later beheaded, despite the fact that thousands of his disciples came out to support him and relate his miracles.

His remains were venerated in the city of Samaria until the 24th century, when Julian the Apostate caused them to be disseminated. But the Catholic Church always celebrates the birth of Saint John the Baptist on June XNUMX, with numerous expressions of faith for the prophet and missionary who dedicated his life to spreading the word of God and promoting good works. 

Currently, he is remembered on the Night of San Juan and the Summer Solstice is dedicated to him, when the line between the earthly and the spiritual world is thinner, according to ancient beliefs.

For this reason, the night and dawn of June 24 were dedicated to San Juan in an effort to Christianize the many forces that are manifested on this magical day. The Sun and Saint John are the symbols used every June 24 to remember the power of light and good deeds.

Prayers dedicated to the prince of the Christian saints to protect us and ward off dangers

Prayers of Saint John the Baptist

Saint John the Baptist is the patron saint of baptism and also of birders, cutlers, lambs, printers, tailors, of religious organizations such as the Knights of Malta and the Knights Hospitallers and of regions such as Quebec and Genoa. It is also said to be prayed to when suffering from epilepsy, seizures and spasms.

We also pray to Saint John the Baptist, seeking support and protection against the evils of the world and asking him for advice and help to overcome the challenges of the journey.

Saint John the Baptist can help us with requests in different problems associated with love, health, prosperity and protection, since he is the prophet who listens to us and intercedes for us so that we receive the blessings of heaven.

For example, if we feel besieged by danger and problems, we pray to Saint John the Baptist for urgent requests, always with great faith that we will find his help and protection:

To ask for his protection, this is the miraculous prayer to Saint John the Baptist

Blessed Saint John the Baptist, who were chosen to announce to men

the coming of the kingdom of Christ,

guide our steps on the paths of justice and peace,

and obtain his mercy and forgiveness from the Lord.  

Most glorious Saint John the Baptist, forerunner of my Lord Jesus Christ,

beautiful star of the best sun, trumpet of Heaven,

voice of the eternal verb, Obtain your benevolence and blessing from the Lord.

You who are the greatest of the saints

and ensign to the King of Glory,

that you are more a child of grace than nature,

and for all the reasons

mighty prince in Heaven,

get your mercy and protection from the Lord.

Glorious Saint John the Baptist,

today in my despair I beg you

help me in these hard times,

I need your valuable help

to solve my sorrows and miseries,

mediate before the Lord to grant me:

 (say what needs to be achieved)

 I ask you invincible martyr not to ignore my sorrows

and for the privileges with which God enriched you

get my order granted as soon as possible

if it is convenient for my salvation;

and if not, a perfect resignation,

with abundant grace,

that, becoming a friend of God,

assure me the eternal happiness of Glory.


Prayer to Saint John the Baptist to open the roads and ask for what is needed (to ask for a favor)

We also pray to Saint John the Baptist to open the roads and face difficulties.

When the various problems of life threaten to drown us, we entrust ourselves to him, so that he opens the astral of good fortune by means of the following prayer:

Glory to you Saint John the Baptist, invincible martyr!

angel of purity before your birth

and the greatest Prophet born of woman;

special and favorite friend of Christ and preacher of Truth

glorious precursor of the Sun of Justice, voice of the Eternal Word,

for your virtues and for the privileges with which God enriched you

give us strength and courage to overcome all fear and enemy

and give us wisdom to achieve our goals.

O Glorious Saint John the Baptist,

that throughout your life with humility and fidelity

you fulfilled the will of the Heavenly Father,

and as a true forerunner of the Messiah

little by little, with the simplicity of duty accomplished,

you were disappearing so that Christ the Savior

inaugurate the Kingdom of God among men:

help us to get out of problems and adverse situations,

remove all danger and enemy from our side,

remove all evil, stumbling and darkness in our life

so that our paths are clear

and be open to love, work and health

that we crave and need so much,

make luck, prosperity and fortune favor us

and peace, harmony and happiness

accompany us at all times.

Protect us, ease our burdens

and help us to achieve peace of mind,

happiness and well-being in our home,

especially reach out to us from the Lord:

 (ask now what you want to achieve).

 Blessed Saint John the Baptist,

purify us and turn our sorrows and misfortunes into joy,

ask the Lord for mercy and forgiveness,

and guide our steps on the path of peace,

so that one day we can sing with you

in the Heavenly Mansions

the glories and praises of our Creator.

Prayers and prayers dedicated to the Saints:

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