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3 Christian prayers to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus that provide Light

Prayers to Saint Therese

Saint Therese of Jesus She is the patron saint of those who suffer unwanted dreams and insomnia, she provides special protection over the men and women who dedicate their lives to transmitting joys and knowledge to the world through the gift of writing.

Under her mantle, help is requested for the healing of the sick in the same way that she is called upon to intercede with Jesus Christ for her children.

His image lends special relevance among the nuns and his doctrine survives in the hearts of those human beings who do good.

  • Santa Teresa provides strength and spiritual guidance in difficult times.

His festival on October 15 is a cause for celebration all over the world, especially in Cuba where there is great devotion to his figure and immense faith in his miracles.

Powerful prayers dedicated to Saint Therese:

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus print
Print of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

There are three prayers to invoke Saint Teresa of the Child of Jesus, these are directed to the request of a favor, they are pronounced to receive protection and to find spiritual strengthening, which I show you below.

Prayer to Saint Teresa of the Child of Jesus for spiritual strengthening:

Oh, Saint Teresa of the Child of Jesus, whose birth was a true omen of future holiness.

Grant me from the Lord the grace that in imitation of you I strive, to thank Jesus in all his actions and that my soul always lives enlightened with my ineffable virtue of faith, so that they may go without ceasing with sure footing along the luminous path of the divine precepts that is the only happiness of heaven.

Also grant me the grace of desire and I ask this prayer, if it is for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Therese to ask a favor:

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I thank you for all the favors and all the graces with which you enriched the soul of your servant Teresita del Niño de Jesús during the twenty-four years that she spent on earth.

By the merits of so dear little saint, grant me the grace that I so ardently ask of you, if it were according to your most holy will and for the good of my soul.

Saint Therese of Jesus always pray for us. Amen.

Saint Therese and her miraculous prayer for protection:

Lord, our God who raised up Saint Teresa as a model and teacher, teach us to follow her paths, protect us.

She knew how to make a constant conversion of her life and left us in her writings the steps to take on the path of perfection.

She described to us the transience of life and how our thirst for happiness can only be satisfied by God.

May we learn his lessons and one day we can eternally sing your mercies. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Other prayers to the Saints that you should know:

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