The prayers to the Just Judge represent the deepest flow of faith of the devotees, since the qualification as Just Judge refers to the biblical moment in which Jesus was presented before Pontius Pilate and declared that his Kingdom is not of this world.
The scriptures also tell us that Pilate's wife called him and said:
"Do not mess with that Just, because I suffered in dreams last night for Him."
This is how this invocation of Jesus as Just Judge is venerated that numerous Brotherhoods such as San Juan Ostuncalco, Huehuetenango, Escuela de Cristo Antigua, Capuchinas in the Capital, San Cristóbal Totonicapán, among others, adopted as the main image to represent Jesus Christ.
It is said that the most famous image of the Just Judge was sculpted by Juan de Aguirre, who after that work, entered the Franciscan order in Guatemala as a lay Friar.
The chronicles indicate that the sculptor had a divine vision and that he was guided by angels to the Sorrowful Virgin of Obide who put her hands on his forehead and blessed him and then showed him the image of Jesus of Nazarene.
Juan then woke up in his workshop, but the image of Jesus was engraved in his mind, so he sculpted a work that reflected the suffering and burdened majesty of the Nazarene who arrived tired at Mount Calvary, and named it Just Judge.
Pray to the Just Judge to obtain the heavenly blessing
Praying to the Just Judge is a very spiritual and extremely common practice in the Catholic religion, always asking for God's blessing with great faith and great conviction that he will never abandon us or stop listening to us.
The devotees see these prayers as a way to raise the praises to heaven and have the certainty that they will always be protected and that God will watch over the integrity of their loved ones, whom he will protect under his divine mantle.
Prayer to the just judge It is that prayer that is offered to Jesus Christ, in the invocation of Just Judge. This type of prayer is done with the heart and with great faith that we will be heard, in order to obtain hope and comfort.
Prayers to the Just Judge can be made at any time of the day, and also when we are mired in despair and difficulties, so that He hears us and supports us.
We pray, above all, for our protection against all evil and that of our family members, as well as other loved ones, but also for love, health, work and prosperity among many other requests.
How do we pray to the Just Judge?
The Prayer to the Just Judge, addressed to Heavenly Father, unites us spiritually to him and is a relief and comfort to believers.
It can be practiced, as we explained previously, for different causes, but it will always help us find our inner peace.
Many devotees indicate that to perform the Prayers to the Just Judge it is advisable to create an altar or find at least a quiet place that connects us spiritually to Him.
We can use an image or statue of Jesus Christ, candles, preferably white and a white sheet, in which we can write down the circumstance that worries us and the sadness that afflicts us.
Then we can turn to the historical prayer that has been uttered for centuries by devout Christians to spiritually connect with the Just Judge.
The only and true Prayer to the Just Judge

There are some copies and versions of this prayer, this is an exact copy of the original that exists in the Convent of Armenian religious of Santa María Egipciaca at the foot of Mount Lebanon, where King Solomon took the cedars to dedicate to God the first Temple in Jerusalem.
This prayer is powerful, it is used mainly to:
- get rid of enemies,
- chase away the persecutions of justice,
- ward off wars, prisons, diseases and all kinds of evil
- disappear the dangers of sea and land, shipwrecks and assaults.
We share the authentic and complete Prayer to the Just Judge:
Divine and Just Judge of the living and the dead, eternal sun of justice, embodied in the chaste belly of the Virgin Mary for the health of the human lineage.
Just Judge, creator of heaven and earth and died on the cross for my love.
You, who were wrapped in a shroud and placed in a tomb, from which on the third day you were raised, the conqueror of death and hell.
Just and Divine Judge, hear my pleas, attend to my requests, listen to my requests and give them favorable dispatch.
Your imperious voice calmed the storms, healed the sick and raised the dead like Lazarus and the son of Naim's widow.
The empire of your voice fled the demons, causing them to leave the bodies of the possessed, and gave sight to the blind, speak to the mute, hear the deaf and forgive sinners, such as the Magdalene and the paralytic from the pool.
You made yourself invisible to your enemies, at your voice those who went to imprison you fell to the ground in the garden, and when you expired on the Cross, the orbs trembled at your powerful accent.
You opened the jails for Peter and took him out of them without being seen by Herod's guard.
You saved Dimas and forgave the adulteress. I beg you, Just Judge, free me from all my enemies, visible and invisible: the Shroud in which you were wrapped covers me, your sacred shadow hides me, the veil that covered your eyes blinds those who persecute me and those who wish me ill Have eyes and do not reach me, have hands and do not tempt me, have ears and do not hear me, have a tongue and do not accuse me and your lips are mute in court when they try to harm me.
Oh, Jesus Christ Just and Divine Judge, please me in all kinds of anguish and affliction, sets and commitments and make that by invoking you and acclaiming the empire of your powerful and holy voice calling you to my aid, the prisons are opened, the chains and ties break, shackles and bars break, knives bend, and every weapon against me becomes dull and useless.
Neither the horses reach me, nor the spies look at me, nor find me. Your blood bathes me, your mantle covers me, your hand bless me, your power hides me, your cross defend me and be my shield in life and at the time of my death.
Oh, Just Judge, Son of the Eternal Father, that with Him and with the Holy Spirit you are one true God!
Oh Divine Word made man!
I beg you to cover me with the mantle of the Holy Trinity so that you may be free from all dangers and glorify your Holy Name.
The Just Judge is always there to listen to us, but the best time to pray to him is at the beginning of the day, so that we can thank his blessings and ask him to protect us every day, during every step we take in life.
It is also recommended to pray the Holy Rosary at least once a week, to make communication closer.
We ask the angels who take care of us for protection, health and healing in moments of difficulty and we also pray in moments of inner peace to feel their love and closeness.
Of course, there are specific prayers for the various situations in life, through which we ask for heavenly intervention and its blessings to overcome obstacles.
For example, the following prayer to the Just Judge will help us in the face of persecution, enemies, wars, prisons, assaults, tragedies and all kinds of dangers. We recommend doing it always with great faith that negative energies will move away from us.
For protection against dangers and evils is this Prayer to the Just Judge

- Prayer to the just judge for protection
O divine and Just Judge who extends your hand to the poor and the rich!
Eternal lover of forgiveness and charity,
Spiritual light that illuminates the darkest paths,
Word of life and deep love,
Teaching and testimony that feeds us with prayer.
You who suffered the most terrible mistreatment and humiliation,
That being holy and pure you humbly accepted the worst punishments,
You who being the king of kings, the one who lives and reigns over all evil and all humanity,
You welcomed without murmuring or reproach the most painful blows,
And you gave everything for our salvation
Let our prayer and our request come to you.
Demons and possessed of you fled by the power of your prayer,
You raised the sick from their beds,
You healed the blind from their blindness,
You have restored lepers to health,
You gave life and bread to those who followed you.
You multiplied the fish and the loaves to give to the crowd,
You opened the waters and walked through them,
You gave the day and the night
Peace and harmony,
You, our Just Judge, accompany your people without hesitation,
Without limitations you give everything,
And you keep your promise
When a devotee comes to you,
You do not humiliate or betray,
You do not offend or hurt,
You teach us through parables,
You leave in an eternal inheritance in the Holy Scriptures,
You hear our prayer and you come on our behalf.
Many of those who suffer the injustices of this world pray to the just judge, asking for his support and consolation and with great faith, calling for divine justice in their defense.
Prayer of the Just Judge for enemies and justice

Son of Santa María, defender of justice. Most Holy Judge,
I ask that your protection be with me wherever I go.
I ask you to keep away the wolf that stalks me and the evil desire that they pour on me.
I ask you to ward off my detractors and give my enemies justice.
I ask you to bring God's truth to the world and materialize it in my life.
Tip the scales on my side and bring success into my life.
Clears insults the mind of those who decide
and pour your will full of truth on them.
Let my soul remain free in justice.
Prayer to the Just and Divine Judge to combat all evil

Oh Lord! Righteous Judge, please extend your mercy to the poor and the rich.
Lord, give your forgiveness and charity to each one of us. Fill us with light, so that with it we can illuminate our darkest paths.
You lord who has suffered so much mistreatment and regrets. Those that you accepted with so much humility and love to save us from evil. I extend this prayer to you, showing you my devotion to you.
I ask you to help us. You who without limitations give us everything by hand and when a devotee comes to you, you always keep your promise.
To you to whom the waters made their way and through them you walked. Lord, I ask you today to give us peace and harmony.
Please, Just Judge, accompany your people on the journeys they are currently going through. Cure our illnesses, our diseases and our blindness.
Protect us with your sacred mantle in the face of those circumstances that escape our hands. Take care of us sir day and night. Keep us away from the evils that afflict us.
Lord, you who teach us through passages and words. Ease our pain with your merciful light.
To you we raise this prayer that we give you with great faith.
Just Judge in you we trust.

The Prayer to the Just Judge to ward off enemies and "if he has eyes, do not see me"

Prayer of the Just Judge for men against enemies