With the busyness of life, we sometimes forget the simple things that comfort our soul like prayer.
This Thursday we want to get closer to God through these prayers so that he will cover us with his mantle and guide us with his light to have a blessed day.
Prayer to bless Thursday
Good morning Lord at the beginning of this day I want to thank you for the opportunities that you give me today to start the journey again.
You Lord, the potter that day by day you return to tame my clay with the intention of making a new work.
Thank you for not getting tired of me, for your patience, for never stopping trusting me.
Lord, give me the strength of will necessary to persevere on the path, help me to know you a little more every day, that I may experience your love, that your infinite mercy transform my heart of stone into a heart of flesh.
Thank you for coming out to meet me again today, for inviting me to a new life.
Lord, I want to walk with you, I want to live a new life, I am aware of my weakness, but I also know that you have the power to make all things new.
Here I am, count on me, help me discover the new path and come walk with me.
Blessed is he who hopes for everything in the Lord. Amen.
Prayer to have a communion Thursday
Lord Jesus it is a new day, but it is also a new opportunity that you want to give me, I do not want to be an ungrateful child with you, Lord, for me every second by your side is too special, your blessing is too great at every moment it does not matter how small it is.
Lord, today I want you to make me a new person. I do not want to be the same as before. I want to end my day being someone who makes me feel happier with myself, because I want to never do any of the things that I know are not good for my life, my health, or the things that could harm my family.
For this reason I ask you Lord not to let me go on this day, because my life is surrounded by people who are influencers of the bad way, who advise making bad decisions for my life, because their life is a life without God, without him. understanding of your path, of your love, of your peace, they do not know that you are the God who gives us happiness, strength and prosperity.
I ask you to bless me more every day because no blessing of yours is left over, I need you Lord more and more in my life and I want this day to be an example for all who know me, because from today I want people to see the power that you have to transform people, to change a life with emptiness to a life that is totally prosperous and full of many blessings.
Lord today I attest to the clarity of all your blessings, I pray for a change towards the good in my life, thank you for everything you have done for me and for all the things you will do. Amen.
Other powerful prayers to God for the rest of the week:

7 Miraculous Prayers for Every Day of the Week Do you pray every morning?

Miraculous prayer for Monday morning: With great faith we pray

With this Saturday Prayer I ask God for many blessings and love

Miraculous prayer to bless Wednesday and make our request

Prayer to bless Monday: a prosperous and clear start to the week

Start Friday with a prayer to get closer to God and thank him

4 Prayers to have a blessed Tuesday For the day and night!