The Lucumi language it was born from a process of acculturation in the period of slavery.
Mix The Catholicism of the conquerors and the beliefs of the slaves then generated a common language between Spanish and the Yoruba language, a simplified language, used to communicate between two totally different populations.
Therefore, the translations made of these prayers they can generate confusion when trying to understand them in Spanish, since this acculturation process brought by itself, modifications of the language.
Roger Bastide (Sociologist and Anthropologist) states that ...
"The existence of multiple words to designate things that in Spanish only need one word is new proof to add to so many others, that religion constituted the dominant center of the cultural protest of the African."
If you want to read more about the Lucumí language, I recommend this article: Glossary of the most popular Yoruba words in Cuba
Prayers dedicated to the Orishas of the Yoruba Pantheon:
These are some of the prayers of the African deities revered in the Yoruba religion.
Prayer to Elegguá: The first protection
Eshú Elegguá oga gbogbo na mirín ita algbana baba mi muulo na burukú nitosi le choncho kuelu kuikuo oki eos / ofo, cosieyo, cosi ku, cosi ano ni oruko mi gbogbo omonile fu kuikuo oducue, baba mi Elegguá
Owner of all four corners, major of the road, my father, take away the bad things to be able to walk with great health, that there is no sickness, that there is no loss, that there is no revolution, that there is no death. In the name of all the children of the house, I thank you very much, my father Eleggúa.
Would you be able to correctly answer the 10 questions in this test about the little giant Osha?
Prayer to Oggún: Owner of the mountain
Oggun agbaniye baba alagbedé cuelure le che na kife, lailai toni kiwi nitosi gbogbo ni / a / ye He is joined by Olodumare ni na agbara ati ni gbogbo na biche bawo chiche odara ati burukú baba Oggún mola balomi
Owner of all hunters and holy vigilante, hunter does not sell me and all the children of the earth, give me a good path and with your arrow for all evil that comes to me, thank you, my father.
Learn more about this powerful orisha and answer this test that we have prepared.
Prayer to Orisha Oko: Owner of crops
Orishaoko afefé iku ofe eye uwe okorín k¡ chiche fun owuro kutukutu cuelú na n¡le nibo gbogbo na wa, Orishaoko alabobo ilé nitosi fu agbara nitosi rigba si gbogbo awa bawo choncho nitosi ch¡ remu unye, fumi aleye Baba Orishaoko oducue
Saint of the field and of the earth, wind of the dead, wants to bathe in blood, man who works early in the morning with the land, where all the children have to go to sleep for their whole life, saint of the field and of the earth, protector of the earth to give it strength and so that it receives all of us as we walk to open its mouth and eat it, give me salvation, holy father of the field and of the earth, thank you.
Prayer to the God of Thunder: Shango
Babami Shango ikawo ilemú fumi a / aya tilancha-ni nitosi 'ki ke gbamu mi re oro niglati wa ibinu ki kigbo ni na urine ati gbogbo orno nijin gbodo wi kuelu kuiko bera nitosi dilowo ikawo kaweiie mi iwo tagbe baba mi ki awa na kue ni okan nitosu ni re kunle ni iway ni okan nitosu ni kunle ni iway e / that ati wi Shango alamu oba layo ni ne He ogbeomi
My father. God of Thunder, control my house, give me the radiant salvation so that I do not take your word when I am angry, who screams in the sky and all the children down here say with great respect, to comply with control, control my house.
You remember, my father that we call you from the heart to kneel before your feet and tell you God of the Merciful Thunder King, rejoice on Earth, embrace me.
I pray to Los Jimaguas Ibeyis
Ibeyi oro awa keke sugboa agba nitoriti otan kuelu na choro trembles / a / ye and / Ya ogun si na ebita kiko yiofé ri mayi kueye sugbon ba si kaide ati itawo meyi na keke ati agba na ibeyi wa ologo afefe ibeyi ke waile elewe wile alakisa, baba aye nijin labi gbogbo chire odukue si Ibeyi
The Jimaguas express, we young but older, because we ended the difficulty in which the world was.
We won the war against the devil who did not want two to meet, but he found the youngest and the oldest of the Jimaguas, where the Jimaguas are glorious, seeing how the Jimaguas do not go to the house of the rich, they go to the house of the poor, they find joy first.
All games are born here thanks to the Jimaguas.
I pray to the God of Purity: Obatala
Orishanal okenrin ati obinrini / a / ye e / ecfa ni gbogbo na daradara ati buruku oba ati ayaba afin oga ni na tala ati gbogbo na cheche baba a / a / ye I praise my ati my gbogbo na ejun daradara, baba wá afin alano kekua badami Oducue
Great saint, man and woman, creator world of all good healthy and bad, king and queen, albino owner of purity and all justice, great father of the world and protector of me and of all good and healthy things.
Our merciful albino father. Long live my Father. Thanks.
Prayer to Obbá: Reckless Warrior
Obba obiarin ni na oyu ewá ati ara aya ni Shango kue fumí abekun a ya bami
Obba woman with beautiful eyes and body, Shangó's wife, I called her to ask for her blessing, my queen.
Prayer to Yewá: Protector of the cemetery
Yewá ri ornase si mi orno iwo taríba nitosi le oni aché ni wo nitosi gba yokodá kosi ano, kosi oto, kos / eyo, kos¡ ikú fumi aikú aladé me odukue
See me with pity, my son, obedient, to be able to have your mandate, to receive a good seat, that there is no sickness, that there is no loss that there is no revolution, that there is no death, give me immortality, my princess. Thanks.
I pray to the Goddess Oyá: Mistress of winds
Or me yegbe iya mesa heard orun tie yourself iku lelebi oke ayaba gbogbo loya obinrin oga my anus, oga my gbogbo. Egun orísha ni abaya oyu ewa oyansan oíríjekua iya mi obinrín ni kiukuo le fun olugba ni Olofi nitosi wa ayaba nikua odukue
Shop to eat next door, mother by day, in the sky, wind of death swirling from above, queen of every market, woman owner of all spirits, owner of disease, saint of the stripe on the pretty face, the wind market, my goodness.
Woman of great power, by mandate of God to be queen of death. Thanks.
Prayer to Goddess Oshún: Goddess of love and femininity
Oshún yeyé mi oga mi gbogbo ibu laiye nibo gbogbo orno orisha lo uwe nitosi gba ma abukon ni omi didun nitosi oni alafia ati ayo obinrín kuelu re aché wiwo ati re maru acho gele nitosi yo ayaba ewa huela nitos reri reri ati ayo ayo mo nigbati wa ibinu obinrín ikú iko Olofin, odukue
My mother, owner of all the rivers in the world, where every son of a saint goes to bathe to receive the blessing of fresh water, to have happiness and joy, woman with her skirt and her five handkerchiefs to dance, beautiful queen with her laughter and joy, but we must be careful because we do not know when she is angry, woman (dead), messenger of Olofi. Thank you.
I pray to Yemayá: Mother of all the children on earth
Yemayá orísha obinnn dudu smell re maye abaya mi re oyu ayaba ano rigba oki mi iya mayelé, ogá ni gbogbo okum yeyé or not eya lojun oyina ni re ta gbodo ojun nibe iwo ni re olowo nitosi re or not terida odukue iya my
Holy black woman, with your seven rays in your face, queen guess, receive our greetings. Mother owner of all sea, mother son of fish, there far away she has her throne under the sea where you have her riches, for her obedient son. Thank you, my goodness.
I pray to the Medical God Inlé
Inle fumi alaya ¡wó, bawo Onichegun atí re-eyá bagbe ki chebo nitosi laya na Orno ni na ano cuelu re ki iwo gba ni na atewó na kú bear na ilu ki iwo otiwa nitosi che gbogbo odara will odukue baba Onichegun Inle ikzwo mi
Give me salvation you as a doctor and your fish, remember that you made the sacrifice to save your children from disease.
With your fish that you received in the palm of your hand. Death fled from the towns that you were to make everyone good and healthy. Thank you, my father, doctor, check me out.
I pray to the god Ozún: The watchman, the guardian, the vigil.
Ozun ni oduro ma dubule agogoro mate adena mi nitosi ki kuelure ichaworo kuemi nitodi kí nigbati wa na kú ko gbamú mi atí titi rodona kuelu gbogbo na burukú, Odukue
Ozún has to be standing still, he cannot lie down, the clock rings, he does not sell me, my sentry so that with his bell he calls me, so that when death comes he does not grab me and continue on his way with everything bad. Thanks.
Prayer to the God of Disease: Babalú Ayé
Babalú Ayé nika ojin ati fumi afiyedeno, awqa na onigbabagbo ati orno iwo imo ki orísha bawo iwo kosi kan ologo ni owodowó agba bí rate chockuono ayano. Odukue
Father of the pueblo and the world, we ask permission in advance to express one thing and ask for mercy. We the believers and your children know that there is no saint like you, of greater tradition.
Traffic with the wind is born, take care of the abundance of disease, dog of disease. Thanks.
I pray to the God Algayú Solá: The one who covers the desert with his voice
Algayú chola iye kini obá abara chola oyina obá ni na oké gbina misísiyi, awa orno nile gbogbo teriba. Awa o / e ki kó de ma gbina, ati na buruku baba me balomi
It is said that Algayú is the saint, but it is not so it is the seat of the biggest throne of the king; take great care of the world, that the king, lit wick, cares from afar, the king of the high candle, in our days, we children of the earth all obey, we want that the candle and bad things do not arrive. My father, come with me.
May these powerful prayers open your heart, may your faith and love for the Orishas be with you always.