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«Mary Help of Christians» To the Virgin we ask for help in difficult times

Prayers for Mary Help of Christians

Many are the religious who, in these times of pandemic and despair, invite us to pray a novena to Mary Help of Christians, until this emergency is overcome.

People advocate spreading this thought through all media, until a network of incessant prayer is formed that reaches the heart of God, through prayer to the virgin.

Strength, solidarity, and trust have been placed in many countries in the image of the Virgin Mary, who can help us overcome difficult moments and ignite the flame of hope that better times will soon come.

In the face of this health emergency and the social problems that accompany it, prayers are raised to Mary Help of Christians, the Virgin of Difficult Times, and believers are called to pray to her with faith for all the families who suffer the consequences of this pandemic.

It is said that the Virgin Mary Help of Christians was also prayed to during the difficult days of the two World Wars, asking for the cessation of bloodshed and misery. His call became medicine and comfort in the face of suffering from loss, uncertainty, and helplessness.

For this reason, today the world also invokes the help and protection of Mary Help of Christians, who in the midst of chaos helps and brings peace, the courageous and generous, asking for her help as a beacon of hope and light.

Who is Mary Help of Christians? The protector of faith

Who is Mary Help of Christians

Mary Help of Christians is a invocation of Mary in the Catholic Church Roman, created for the Virgin Mary and bearing her name since 345.

The name of Help of Christians was already given in the year 1030 to the Virgin Mary, in Ukraine, because it is said that she came to the aid of that region, to free it from the invasion of the pagan tribes.

Another legend indicates that on October 7, with the help of Maria, the naval fleet of Juan de Austria defeated the Turkish ships in Lepanto. And that is why Saint Pius V consecrated this day to Saint Mary of the victory and the rosary and the invocation and called her "Mary Help of Christians."

Also during the religious wars in Europe called the "30 years wars", Catholic princes and the people began to invoke the virgin through the title of "Mary Help of Christians" and went on pilgrimage to a chapel dedicated to her in Germany. .

Likewise, in the seventeenth century and faced with the siege of the Muslims, Pope Innocent XI came to the protection of the Virgin Mary. The Mary Help of Christians invocation is considered the one that granted victory to the Christian forces, although the Islamic ones were three times higher.

Also in the confrontation with Napoleon, Pope Pius VII, prisoner of the French leader, implored the help of Mary, inviting at the same time the Christians to entrust themselves to her. The emperor was finally defeated, and that victory was attributed to the protection of the Virgin.

The legend of Saint John Bosco and the Virgin

Legend has it that it was Don Bosco who said to the Young Salesian Juan Cagliero:

«The Virgin wants us to honor her with the title of Help of Christians, times are difficult and we need the Virgin to help us preserve and defend the Christian Faith«.

And it is that in 1860 the Blessed Virgin appeared to Saint John Bosco and pointed out the site for him to build a temple in Turin, Italy.

It is said that Bosco began the work of the temple with only three coins of twenty cents each, but as the miracles accumulated in the name of Mary Help of Christians, all the devotees gathered and contributed to the construction.

In just four years the Great Basilica was finished, about which the Saint used to say:

«Each brick of this temple corresponds to a miracle of the Holy Virgin«.

From that Shrine, devotion to Mary began to spread throughout the world under the title of Help of Christians.

Prayers and Prayers to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians:

Prayers to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians

Since ancient times, as we have explained, Mary Help of Christians has been prayed for protection in difficult times.

Many devotees raise their prayers when they go through difficulties or when there are problems that require faith and prayer, as now that we need it so much.

We pray to Mary Help of Christians in the many temples in her honor that exist in the world and we can also implore before her image or representation. It is always good to place flowers and light a candle as a sign of devotion and respect.

Petitions to the Virgin: Mary Help of Christians, pray for us!

  • This is the prayer to ask the Virgin Mary Help of Christians for protection

Under your protection we welcome ourselves, Holy Mother of God,

do not ignore the pleas that we address to you in our needs,

Rather, deliver us always from all danger, glorious and blessed Virgin.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

Lord hear our prayer

And our cry reaches you.

Let's pray:

Almighty and eternal God, who with the help

of the Holy Spirit, you prepared the body and soul of Mary, the Virgin Mother,

to be worthy abode of your Son, remembering it with joy,

deliver us through his intercession from present evils and eternal death.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


The blessing of almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Descend upon us and remain forever.


Many expressions of gratitude are also addressed to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians every day for her blessings and miracles. Devotees thank him for his actions with great faith and ask him for an end to difficulties.

The prayer of Mary Help of Christians to thank the blessings received

  • This is a prayer of thanks to Mary Help of Christians

Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians,

refuge of the helpless and afflicted,

Favorite daughter of the Eternal Father,

Loving spouse of the Holy Spirit,

Most Blessed Mother of the Incarnate Word,

We thank you for the countless graces and benefits

that God has granted us through your powerful intercession,

out of nowhere we have been called to life,

we were born into a christian home

where we learned to pronounce your sweet name.

We have been held in existence

to this day and we keep the faith.

We have felt loved by God

and forgiven a thousand times.

We have experienced your protection and protection

and we do not hesitate to call you Help of Christians and our Mother.

All our words, all our actions

they are few before the magnitude of Divine Grace;

be our representative before God,

nobody better than you to understand us

and present our gratitude to the Author of all good,

to whom is given all honor, power and glory,

now and forever for ever and ever.


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