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Prayers for our Children to pray «Simple and easy to learn»

Prayers for children to pray

For the little ones, for our true treasures, we always pray asking for divine protection, the blessing of heaven and imploring that all danger be removed from them.

But today, in this troubled world, it is not enough just to pray for them, because there are many things that instill fear in the heart of a child. And that fear can be alleviated by showing him the way of faith and prayer.

When we show a little one the prayer to the Guardian angel And we explain to him that, if he prays it every night, he will be protected, we can help him face those fears that world events bring and that little by little he begins to understand.

For parents, prayer can be a great help with children in times of fear. Children who are taught to draw close to angels, saints, and God can find enormous comfort in prayer.

Why should we teach children to pray?

Prayers for children

When something bad happens to others, children are afraid that it could happen to them too, and for this reason it is very important that they pray and have faith, as a gesture of comfort and security.

A bedtime prayer can comfort a child and we can show them that they just have to say: Please keep me safe

There are some simple prayers for the little ones, of course, that we can teach you so that you can pray if you are concerned about a specific event that has occurred recently.

Furthermore, parents can always accompany them and pray with them for their own safety, in order to show them a path of faith that gives them security and even helps them carry out their daily tasks without being constantly assaulted by fears.

Also when a loved one of the child is suffering, praying for God to bless them and be with them can bring peace to the child.

We can also show children how to pray and give thanks for the good things in their lives, so that they will know the blessings they already have. Children who grow up appreciating and thanking their home, family, and friends tend to be happier.

Short sentences for children «Easy to learn by heart»

Here are some easy proposals that children can pray before going to sleep or at the beginning of the day:

  • Guardian Angel, my good friend, always take me on the right path.
  • Holy Angel of the Lord, my jealous guardian, if divine mercy entrusted me to you, watch over me and keep me, always enlighten me.
  • My good Jesus, true Son of the Virgin Mary, accompany me tonight, and all day tomorrow.
  • My guardian angel, who protects and enlightens me, help me all day to be a good girl / o.
  • My guardian angel, sweet company, do not abandon me, neither at night, nor by day.
  • In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Jesus, help me to think well, speak well and love everyone well.

Other longer prayers ... but very beautiful and powerful

  • Daddy of Heaven, whenever I remember I think of you. I want you to bless my day that begins and to be with me every day of my life. Thank you Daddy from Heaven. Amen.
  • My God, I offer you all this day. I offer you my jobs and my toys. Take care of me so that I don't do anything you don't like. Amen.
  • Jesus, I go to school, like you did too. Let nothing happen to me on the way. I want to take good advantage of the classes. I want to learn a lot. Do not forget the children who have no school, and bless the teachers. Amen
  • My God, I thank you for this day. I thank you for the good that others have done for me and for the good that I have been able to do. I ask forgiveness for what I have not done well. Tomorrow, with your help, I want to be better. Amen.
  • Forgive me, Lord Jesus, because today I felt jealousy and anger. I was angry with my little brother and my friends. Excuse me Sir, because today I got angry and said ugly things. Help me to improve and not do more bad things.
  • Daddy of Heaven, please take care of everyone in my family. Protect from evil, keep my house, my father, my mother and my brothers and sisters healthy, and give us peace. Amen
  • Lord, today I pray for my mom. May you give her strength to live through this day. My Jesus, today my mom is a little upset. I pray that tomorrow she will be happy and that I can play with her. Thank you. Amen.
  • Dear Daddy of Heaven, when I pray to you, I feel my heart happy. It's like the love I feel for Mom and Dad when I hug them before I go to bed. Thanks. Amen

Prayers and prayers for children to pray at night before going to sleep

Evening prayer for children

Introducing the little ones at home to the world of prayers will help them to strengthen their faith and their love for their family, for their companions and to be safe in the world.

Therefore, we can always show them the way so that they are protected and safe. By giving you some simple prayers that you can pray each day before bed, we can ease many of your fears.

Powerful prayer for children to pray:

This is the prayer for the little ones to ask for protection:

Dear friend God;

Help me to be humble, sincere and respectful

And don't let me stray from your holy will.

Make me strong to overcome the obstacles of my short life

And make my parents always be there to protect me.

Remove the lie from my actions and make me a child who will always

He has the truth before him.

I ask you never to abandon me and accompany me

Hereafter for

That I cannot lose myself.


This is the prayer to ask for the blessing and to thank before going to sleep:

I thank you my dear God

For this day that you gave me and for the happiness of

Having been able to enjoy the joy of creation.

Thank you for allowing my parents to take care of me.

And thanks for those hours of play that the

Today I was able to enjoy.

I ask you to accompany me in these hours of sleep

And wrap me in your heavenly robe.


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