Ifá says that Ear does not pass head, popular saying yoruba that proclaims respect for the elderly not only in the practice of religion, but also in everyday life.
They are the wisest and those who can act as our guides on the dangerous paths of human existence. Listening to their advice will always do us good.
That is why, in Cuba, Yorubas, Abakuá, Paleros and all kinds of practitioners of African religious beliefs, pay extreme attention to respect for the elderly.
Yoruba saying: Ear does not pass head
There are many popular sayings that abound on this island. Some arrived with the Spanish and are of Catholic influence such as "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", "Man does not live by bread alone" or "The habit does not make the monk" and "The devil knows more for old than for devil."
While many proverbs belonging to the Yoruba rite, the Congo or Palero, the language of the Aará and Abakuá, have maintained their traditional language, although over time they were transported from the original language to Spanish in the form of sayings, one of them is Ear does not pass head.
Pataki: The trap of Eleguá to the children of Orula
The pataki tells that orula He had three children whom he had patiently taught, but the boys turned out to be arrogant and wanted to know more than the father.
EleguaKnowing everything, he prepared a way to meet them.
-Eleguá, what are you wearing there? –Asked the oldest of Orula's sons, who was the first to see him and be intrigued by a pot that the owner of the roads carried under his arm.
"This casserole works miracles," Elegua replied.
Eleguá explained to them how with that casserole they could cut off their heads, throw it into the air and then it would fall in the same place. To which one of the brothers replied that with that they could leave the old man behind.
Well, they bought the artifact from its owner and went to their father's house to demonstrate their power and Eleguá followed them discreetly and hid in the treetop very close to Orula's house.
The brothers went out to show the father what they were capable of. The first of them cut off his head and threw it into the air, but Eleguá caught it from his hiding place and the body fell inert.
The second in age, seeing his brother's failure, said that his brother did not know how to do it and that it was his turn. And the same thing happened to him.
The smallest of the three did not want to miss the opportunity and assured that his brothers were ignorant and that he did know how to do it. His head also fell into the hands of Eleguá.
All three died trying to be wiser than the one who had taught them. That is why it is said that Ear does not pass head, an important and wise teaching that we must always remember before insisting and arguing with an elder.