Yoruba religion It shows immense faith and devotion towards all its deities, as each one symbolizes certain elements and has important capacities that can be us of support, comfort and refuge.
However, each deity of the yoruba pantheon it is included within extensive groups that are divided taking into account their powers, actions and histories.
The minor Orishas of the Yoruba pantheon are known as nature spirits, but they are not considered a guardian angel and therefore cannot be crowned in the Kari Osha ceremony or commonly known as “becoming a saint”.
However the lesser Orishas they always support the head Oshas or orishas, which directly represent the natural elements. Therefore, minors are also owed immense devotion and respect.
The Minor Orishas:
Here are the main minor Orishas of the Yoruba pantheon:
Abitathe yoruba devil:
It represents the existence of evil, since it is an Orisha who possesses a very negative power in Yoruba mythology, which harms people, especially those guilty of some evil.
The Yoruba religion places him as one of the few saints whose energy is negative, often used to do harm or to carry out revenge on behalf of those who pray to him.
However, Abita he only attends to the requests of those who were hurt in the past, so he will never do wrong without reason.
Ajá, jungle pattern:
She is the Orisha of the whirlwinds, her cult has been lost over time but it is extremely important because of her affinity with Olokun and Yemayá. He is an overbearing deity and friend of fights, so he should not be provoked.
Ajé Shalunga, the Orisha of wealth:
It is the Orisha that symbolizes health, prosperity and abundance, which is why its cult is highly revered among the devotees of the Rule of Ocha.
Many of those who urgently need money take it as their patron and shells and coins are placed in a container to entertain him and ask for his favors.
However, he is considered capricious and fickle, as he chooses by chance who to attend.
aroni, spirit of nature:
Orisha who has also lost her cult over the years. He is an Orisha associated with the secrets of plants and the natural world. He is represented with the head and tail of a dog and with only one leg.
He is the guardian of all the secrets of Ossain, in a confrontation with Ogbe Tumako, he agreed to give him the herbs that should not be lacking in the omieros (spiritual water of herbs).
Ayaó, orisha of the clouds:
orisha sister of Oyá and delivered by the daughters of the deity of the spark (Oyá). He lives in a small basin painted wine red and hung from the ceiling with chains. He lives in the roots of the ceiba tree next to Iroko and there he also receives his offerings.
Boromú and Boronsiá, keepers of secrets:
It is they, the Orisha guardians who protect the secrets of Oduduwá. They live and are welcomed with him.
Boromú represents the bones of the dead and lives in the desert, and in the cemetery he lives with Yewá, who taught him to read the oracles.
Boronsiá, for its part, represents tornadoes and their destructive force.
Dada, protector of the bellies:
Patron of the belly and is sometimes considered the same orisha as Obañeñe. It represents the crown of the santero and what forces him to always practice good selflessly.
Ibeyis, those who defeated the devil:
The Jimaguas are Orishas who personify fortune, luck and prosperity. In their union, they are able to save from death and evil and protect the mountain walkers.
One of the main characteristics of the Ibeyis or the jimaguas is that they protect all children, playful, mischievous and with a sweet tooth.
Irunmoles, manifestations of nature:
An Irunmole is a combination of three words: IRUN (celestial beings), MO (knowledge), ILE (earth), which would mean "celestial beings with great knowledge that visit the earth."
Irúnmòle in Yoruba, is a supreme energy, seen as the power of Nature, and the divine essence of things. These beings were the intermediaries between Olodumare and humans and could take different forms.
They are celestial beings according to the Ifa legend and are members of the community in heaven.
Korikoto, orisha of the Parthians:
Feminine Orisha of fertility and birth. It is related to procreation and is linked to children who are born predestined. He is considered a child deity. Today, his cult is rarely practiced in Cuba.
Logun Ede, the lost son of Oshún:
Orisha son of Oshún, the owner of the river and Ochosi the vigilante, with hermaphrodite characteristics, six months a year is male and the other six is female.
It lives in freshwater lakes and rivers in its female phase and in the male phase, it lives in the forests. Its cult in Cuba has disappeared.
Obañeñe, newborn caregiver:
Also called Dada Ibañi or Dada Baldone, it is the Orisha of newborns, especially those born with curly hair.
Obañeñe is one of the minor Orishas of the Yoruba religion and is also considered the Orisha of vegetables, because when Obbatalá was entrusted to populate the world, he gave her the creation of the vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms.
Obañeñe does not settle or climb and is usually represented by a pumpkin lined with snails and on it a ball of indigo.
Ogbón and Ogboni, guardians of Obatalá:
They are Orishas whose cult has been disappearing and even today they are not received. Ogbón is the brother of Ogboni and Ogbán and he washes himself, together they protect the wise father Obatalá. The three are placed in equal jars.
Oggue, the orisha of the flocks:
The Orisha of horned animals and herds. It is represented by two ox jars being loaded and sealed and is the third in the Oggue-Oke-Orisha Oko trilogy.
Its name comes from the Yorùbá Ògué (horn, ostentation) and it is offered and immolated just like Shango because of its proximity to this Orisha.
Oke, the height, elevation and grandeur:
The deity of the hills, of the mountains and of the heights or elevations of the earth and represents the firmness of Mother Earth. It is related to fertility and good harvests.
He is a noble Orisha who can spiritually convert a man according to the precepts of Olodumare. She is inseparable from Obbatalá and lives on the floor in front of the basket.
Oranmiyan, the firmament:
Orisha son of Oduduwá and owner and lord of the mainland. He is half the son of Oduduwa and half of Oggún the god of iron and few are those who know all the secrets that his cult contains.
It represents the firmament and tells a pataki who is the maker of the mainland which he defended with spears and arrows.
Ori, the head:
Ori is the universal deity of the house, worshiped by both sexes as the god of destiny. What Ori decides, no other Orisha can modify.
He manages good luck or bad fortune, hence sacrifices are offered so that men on earth can share good luck.
However, it is always clarified that luck is always related to the behavior and characteristics of the person in question. It is the Orisha of the head in the most spiritual sense.
Oroiña, anger, fire and knowledge:
Energy of foundation and ancestor of Aggayú Solá.
It represents the lava of the volcano and the energy within the Earth. Earthquakes are born from it and its power forms mountains, hills and mountain ranges.
Orungan, noon:
Orisha owner of noon, son of Aggayú and Yemayá the goddess of the sea. He was the first man to be consecrated to Ifá and who knows the use of the board and tools.
He was a disciple of Elegguá the owner of the roads and of Orula the fortune teller, with whom he learned the secrets of divination.
Oshumare, the serpent:
Orisha of the serpent and the rainbow, represents the union of heaven and earth and symbolizes the balance between men and the Orishas. It is androgynous and is associated with wealth.
Yembó, the orisha of the calm sea:
The first road to Yemayá is Yembó or Yemú. This is the Yemayá road that the calm sea grants. On this path she is a female Oduduwá, it is here where the true crown of Yemayá is born.
In some religious cults the following deities are considered minor, but in others they are major orishas and are crowned.
Aggayu Solá, the greatest natural force:
He is the one who covers the desert with his voice. Aggayú Solá, is the Orisha that represents the impressive natural forces.
The volcano, the magma and the interior of the earth are its symbols. Aggayú Solá lives in the current of the river and is the bastion of Oshá and particularly of Obbatalá.
It is the giant Orisha of fire, of a bellicose and angry character.
Babalu Aye, the illness:
Orisha of the Yoruba religion highly worshiped in the Cuban Creole religion in syncretism with Saint Lazarus. He is the most merciful orisha with regard to diseases, healer of leprosy, smallpox, venereal infections, skin and in general of pests and misery.
Oyá, mistress of the dead:
Lady of the spark, the whirlpool, the rainbow and the dead. Oyá It is the air we breathe, it gives it the right amount of oxygen to keep us alive and maintain the flow of the waters of Oshún and Yemayá.
She is impulsive and angry and thus favors storms, strong or hurricane winds and lightning flashes. It symbolizes the violence of nature and impetuosity.
He lives at the door of the cemeteries and represents the intensity of gloomy feelings, the world of the dead. It is to whom Olofi entrusts the mission of coming to earth to search for the souls of the dead.
The lesser Orishas They represent powerful energies of nature, all essential for life on earth to be possible, we owe them immense respect.