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Cleaning Baths in the name of Oshún so that the Money flows a lot

Oshún for the money

These baths are in the name of the Goddess of Gold, of love and sweetness, so that Oshun with his goodness and blessing he offers us ways and means so that abundance enters our lives.

I never recommend asking for money, but means and prosperity so that, between ease and development in your life, and above all health to be able to achieve what we yearn for.

You will work in these cleaning baths with the magical Buttercup plant, with the petals of its flowers.

And remember, we not only ask Oshún for money, but for love, luck, health and all the beauty of this life.

Ritual of powerful Baths with Oshún for Money and Luck

Flower bath for Oshún

The buttercup flower As its name implies, it calls money, wealth and abundance, it is an excellent representative of our nature that fosters advancement because it releases positive energies and drives away everything bad.

In addition, it is used in the preparation of protective amulets.

This flower attracts and blesses all that is good, allows bonanza to flow and brings beauty and love to life, like the goddess Oshún herself, who with her help we will achieve with these cleansing baths to purify the bad and attract the beautiful, have faith .

  • These baths can also be prepared if you have not received Oshún, in this case keep in mind that you must place the bath water in a clean, quiet and orderly place.


  • Basin or bucket (container)
  • Holy or serene water from the day before
  • Buttercup Flowers
  • Husk
  • Honey bee
  • 5 yellow flowers (one for each bath)
  • 2 or 4 yellow candles (it depends since they will light for 5 days at your bath time)

If you don't know how prepare the serene water, I recommend you click here to read this article where we explain it.

How to prepare the baths in the name of Oshún?

When preparing these baths it can be done in 2 ways, preparing a single spiritual water for the 5 days of the bath or each day preparing the water individually.

FOR invoke Oshún you can use this prayer Click Here

The first option:

  1. You will take the container and fill it with holy or serene water, the next day you take the fresh buttercup flowers and put them inside and you will begin to squeeze them, as if you were washing by hand, so that they release their Ashe and energy.
  2. While you are making the spiritual water prepared with plants (omiero) always keep in mind that you must go praying and in this case asking Oshún and giving knowledge of what you want to obtain with these baths.
  3. You add to that omiero the cascarilla (efun).
  4. After doing this, you will let that liquid rest for about 15 minutes in front of Oshún or in a clean and beautiful place.
  5. That liquid can be strained later, it is as you wish, you can also leave the flowers and when you take the bath rub your body with those petals.
  6. Añayou will say honey, but not so much, just a splash.

The first day you decide to start taking baths, place the yellow flowers in a beautiful container in front of Oshún, and each day when taking the bath you should ask him for the flower with respect.

The petals of these flowers will be added a while before taking the bath.

The second option:

If you want, you can prepare each bath separately during those 5 days, if you want to do it like this, do the same procedure only reducing the amount of water.

  1. When everything is ready you take 2 candles and smear them with honey and light them to Oshún while the bath is at rest.
  2. The candles must be lit every day at bath time and then extinguished, if they wear out before the end of the 5 days you can take two new candles.
  3. The last day allows the candles to burn out completely.

RememberIt is not only about lighting the candles, it is attending to them with faith and love, sitting in front of them and asking for the blessing of the orisha, giving thanks and showing respect.

  • When you finish showering you should clean where you bathed, that is, pour clean water, you should not leave that spiritual water in the shower.

Security I have that, if you do everything with will, trust and faith, you will get what you want from the heart, the wealth and money you long for, and above all health. May the blessing of Oshún be with you always.

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