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How did Orula discover the value of life and small things?

Pataki Orula and poverty

orula is considered the first prophet of the world, adviser of Olofin and Olodumare that helps the development of the Earth and of the men. His name, Orunmila, means "only heaven knows who will be saved".

He is one of the most revered deities of the Yoruba pantheon, a mythical fortune teller and one of the most important figures of the Yoruba cult brought from Africa.

Orula is also the representation of wisdom and reason, good decisions, and a great benefactor of humanity and its permanent advisor.

It is the Orisha of divination that syncretizes with the Catholic figure of Saint Francis of Assisi, hence it is celebrated on the same day of commemoration, October 4.

But according to many legends, Orula also had his defects and made mistakes in life, which he had to learn to overcome, to finally become the wise Orisha counselor of all.

Pataki: Orula and poverty

This Pataki tells that one fine day the wise man Orula realized that he only had a few pennies in his pocket and with that money he was not even enough to feed his children.

It was that, a bad time and Orula was poor, very poor and he no longer knew what to do to support his large family.

Despair seized him and with the few pennies he had left, he bought some ekó or sweets, which he distributed among all his children and told them to taste them well and stay healthy.

Then he left the house eating one and walking slowly, full of sadness and regret. His desperation ended up clouding his judgment and Orula did not know what else to do to lead a more comfortable life.

Orula's decision

So he chose a tree to kill himself, because he did not want to continue in the midst of misery and pain, leading an empty existence.

Before hanging himself up, he threw the leaves that wrapped the candy he had eaten to the ground. And then he hung a rope from the branches of the tree.

But then he heard with surprise that a bird spoke behind him.

Thus said the bird:

  • "Orula, look what happened to the leaves that wrapped the ekó."

The man then turned his face and could see that another babalawo was eating the remains of the candy that remained in the wrapper that he had thrown on the floor. Apparently the man had been starving.

  •  "And yet he has not thought of taking his own life"

The bird then said and Orula realized the value of life and the small things that bring happiness.

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