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Petition to the Virgin Mary Mother of humanity intercedes for us!

Petition to the Virgin Mary

The Catholic Church talks about Mary, the mother of Jesus, the woman who conceived the Creator without trace of original sin, a virgin before childbirth, during childbirth and after childbirth, the wife of Joseph.

One of the main examples of faith and humanity, who was able to sacrifice his only son for the good and love of the rest of men, a fact for which he was later awarded the title of Mother of humanity.

The Church proposes Mary as a model of obedience, being the most accurate example of mother and counselor.

The miraculous Virgin Mary is asked to:

  • Children,
  • the union of the family and
  • the protection of the home and the material and spiritual growth of its members from within, this being protected by honest work and faith.

The veneration of the Virgin Mary is manifested through prayer, visual arts, poetry and music and many other examples of the art and culture of our times, with many tributes being received by the saint with great pleasure.

The Prayer to the Virgin Mary It is done in gratitude for his miracles and for his dedication to the care of the homeless and the people who suffer the tragedy of loneliness.

The Virgin Mary can be worshiped on any date, with every day of the week conducive to praying to her and feeling her presence within the heart.

The Mother of God especially protects women who have given birth to the fruit of her womb, whom she endows with special blessings.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary to make a wish

Virgin Mary, you who saw the flow of the body of Jesus the blessed blood of your son with which he bought me and offered for the forgiveness of my sins.

You blessed Virgin Mary who felt great pain from the blood that spilled all over her face, from the blood that flowed throughout her body, from the lashes received, that blood that gushed from her hands and feet when they pierced the nails, that blood that gushed from his side when the spear was pierced.

Through that blood I give you all those concerns so that, together with your pain and that of Jesus, I may reach the grace that I expect from you through your intercession (make the desired requests to the Virgin Mary).

Saints of great power who intercede for us:

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