Elegua He is the eternal guardian Orisha of the paths and destiny, and a messenger between deities and humans. Owner of the mountain and with his plants Ashé transmits to us.
The first God of the Yoruba pantheon and ruler of prosperity, happiness, luck or misfortune.
Elewa or the little giant as it is also called by its devotees, is the first protection, it is attended first and greeted before other deities, because it opens the ways to continue in religion. The uninitiated or aleyos must receive or consecrate him as the first of the group of four warriors (Elegguá, Oggún, Ochosi and Osun).
It sits on a rock, a shellfish, a reef, a loaded rock, a loaded cobo snail, a dry coconut or a loaded dough shell, it lives behind the door taking care of its limits and in nature it lives in rocks and mountains.
This deity adores the offerings of honey, roasted corn, hutía and smoked fish. He also likes fruits such as guavas, coconut, and tropical fruits, usually coated with honey. He is sweet and mischievous, and like a child, he enjoys treats and toys.
Likewise, in the Yoruba religion as owner of the mountain, the powers and Ashé (energy) of Eleguá are represented in some plants through which their offerings and their Omiero (spiritual water that is prepared with the herbs of the Orishas) are made.
Herbs of Eleguá
Here are 10 of the representative plants of Eleguá:
1. Seedling
- Scientific name: Elaphrium simaruba
- From the Lucumi language: Iggi Addama Moyé, Ilúkiy and from the Congo: Imbi iye
This plant also belongs to Shango and is miraculous, the old people say that if it is collected on Good Friday it has more virtue.
The Almácigo has numerous medicinal and spiritual uses.
In decoctions, it is excellent for relieving respiratory, intestinal and colds ailments. Its resin is applied to nail wounds and umbilical hernias in children.
You should not do anything wrong with this stick, it is only for spiritual and health benefits. In bathrooms it is magnificent, as it attracts good luck and in cleaning it is very effective.
The smoke that comes out of its resin when burning it with a clove of garlic makes the bad vibes go away, "scare witch" they call it.
2. Yellow, Olorosa or Vira mundo aroma
- acacia farnesiana
- Lucumi: Erite, Ereen
- Congo: Sunsumié
It also belongs to Oshún. It is said that if at a party you throw one of its branches the party ends very badly, like the "Guatao party" in the Cuban saying.
It is used for rheumatism pain and is used as friction. Its infused flowers are very good for the nerves and palpitations.
With its seed, they usually work on the charms of the ngangas. It is advisable to use its branches and roots in decoctions for body baths when everything hurts, or you have scabies or gangrene.
3. Curujey
Its absolute owner is Elegguá, with this parasitic plant resguardos and afochés (powders) are made.
The mayomberos call it akín, its root serves to reinforce ngangas.
And medicinally it is a good blood cleanser, cleanses and strengthens the body.
4. Guava
- Guajaba Psidium
- Lucumi: Kénku and from the Congo: Guánkibilúnga, Nfuruta
His owner is Eleguá and among his plants this is his favorite, his fruit loves to be offered.
Plant whose fruits are edible and its leaves have multiple medicinal uses related to skin conditions, it is also used in baths and for breaks.
The main attribute and weapon of Eleguá, with which it defends, heals and protects is the doodle (iwó) and it is made from the branches of the guava, it is also worked with its leaves in the Omieros (spiritual water of herbs). With 7 scribbles of guava luck is attracted.
5. Guira Cimarrona
- Crescentia cujete
- Lucumi: Eggwá, Igbá, Agbe and from the Congo: Mputo Guánkala
It belongs to the wise Orisha Osain and Elegguá, this güira is much smaller than the Creole.
Plant with numerous medicinal uses for respiratory ailments and colds; purifies the liver, kidneys and bladder with the infusion of its bark and root.
It is also used to cure venereal diseases and its leaves are used to give fortifying baths.
Many spells are practiced with it, such as attracting a person, to drive people crazy, and other jobs.
6. Camphor
- Cinnamomum camphora
- Lucumi: Téemi and delCongo: Gougoró
It belongs to the king of fire Shangó and Elegguá. Plant used for antibacterial healing purposes, its buds are used in baths to prevent diseases.
In times of viruses, its solidified resin is used to counteract epidemics.
As a protective amulet, if you are going to visit a contagious patient, you should carry a red bag with camphor and corn kernels, because it has a lot of power to ward off diseases.
Very good for rheumatic friction pains, its leaves and segments dipped in alcohol are effective.
7. Cress
- Lipidium virginicum
- Lucumi: Eribo
Its owner is Elegguá but it is also said that it belongs to Obbatalá. It is a plant widely used to alleviate kidney conditions such as the kidney and liver, it also lowers blood sugar.
Spiritually, it is used for works of love and others.
8. Cat's Claw Scent
- Belonging to the Aroma plant family
- Lucumi: Maddé and from Congo: Bericolae
The owners of this plant are Oggún and Elegguá. It is widely used in Mayombe works.
In spiritual works it is used to attract disunity, estrangement and discord "works of total disruption." To do well it is healing, it is usually used to relieve intermittent fevers.
9. Belly scraper
- Swordfish amoena
- Lucumi: Oma, Eka Ore
Its absolute owner is Elegguá. In the seat of Kariosha it is used to hit the Orisha and also the Iyawó, it is given strong whipping, by the hands of its Babalosha or Iyalosha.
Its segments are used to change life, that is, life is exchanged for death, the disease is removed from the body of the patient and an animal or doll of the same size as that sick person is taken, that doll is watched over and buries in the cemetery, thus saving the person.
10. Tongue Scraper
- Coscaria hirsuta
- Lucumi: Ewe Elena, Yaréobo and from the Congo: Nkanga, Nkúfíndula, Luékeloni
The absolute owner of this plant is Elegguá. As his name says, he is a "tongue-bearer", reducing himself to dust (afoché) and winning any lawsuit in the courts of law.
Its dust binds with cascarilla, cinnamon and white sugar and it spreads on the banks of the lawyer and prosecutor, and so they make mistakes and talk awkwardly. The afoché is also useful for people with very long tongues.
Eleguá plants are all very powerful, spiritually they are full of secrets, they are herbs that heal, protect and heal those who use them with knowledge and faith.